Tantra, Sex for the Soul
Easy Steps to More Intimacy, Passion, Pleasure and Love
Niyaso Carter
Niyaso Carter
Have better sex and make your love life sacred with this heart-based Tantra sex education program.
Practical and pragmatic, everyone can do this!
A good love life need not be a matter of luck or being in the right mood. With Tantra, your relating can be a playful, conscious adventure into consistently fulfilling and sacred sex.
People seek out Tantra and Tantric Sex hoping to find more intimacy, love, and better sex, yet many are confused by esoteric language, complicated techniques, or they just don't know how to apply what they learn in their actual, real-time love life. But still, their soul tells them there must be more, and this is true, there is way more!
This audio program offers clean, clear, practical insights and tips that you can use right away; tonight if you like. There are no difficult techniques or fancy language. Sacred and tantric sex is in our blue print! That means that if we relax enough, with just a few key insights on board, we will find that it is instinctive, natural, and simple. Learning it should feel like finally coming home.
This program gives an overview and in-depth guide to Tantra and what it takes to have a great sex life. It addresses sex from a physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual perspective and leaves no stone unturned on the journey to consistently fulfilling sex. You are not left alone to figure out what to do next or how to make your lover or yourself happy. Niyaso guides you in a way that is entertaining, lighthearted, and totally doable. She takes you by the hand and gives you the nuts and bolts of how to be a good lover, taking into account that men and women often need quite different support. The exercises, guided journeys, and assignments are easy to follow and fun to do.
This program teaches: healthy and joyful expression of sexual energy, deep intimacy in relating, and an understanding of love and sex as a spiritual path.
©2008 Niyaso Christine Carter (P)2016 Niyaso Christine Carter