Al Mourad: The Purpose
Josh Heisler
Waeil Borhan
Dear listener, this book calls you to embark on a profound exploration beyond conventional beliefs, challenging the notion that God created you solely for a virtuous life and fleeting worship. Instead, it proposes a deeper purpose—that you were intricately crafted for the explicit intention of worshiping Him, living harmoniously with His divine plan, and simultaneously reveling in a rich and fulfilling life.
At its core, this audio presents the God-centrism paradigm, emphasizing the choice to beseech God to guide your endeavors in serving His creation on His behalf. The following chapters delve into the interplay of purpose, faith, and service, inviting reflection on the fabric of beliefs and the role you play in the grand tapestry of existence.
The book invites you to explore spirituality and establish a profound connection with the divine, going beyond theology to become a call to action. It challenges you to reassess your beliefs and align your life with the divine purpose for which you were intricately designed.
Throughout the chapters, a mosaic of thoughts emerges, encouraging you to delve into the intricacies of your spiritual journey. This book unfolds as a guide, prompting you to question assumptions, seek understanding, and ultimately choose a path aligned with the profound purpose for which you were created.
As you listen, may you find inspiration, illumination, and a renewed sense of purpose—an invitation to live a life that echoes with the resonance of divine intent.
©2023 Waeil Borhan (P)2023 Waeil Borhan