All You Need Is...
Remembering Who You Really Are
Jeremy Albret
This book is about you. The intent is to ignite your inner remembrance of who you really are. The truth is, love is all there is, and as a piece of God, you are an infinite expression of that love.
My stories show how paying attention offers opportunities to remember who you really are. Hopefully, you can relate my stories to those of your life and the lives of the ones you love. The intent is to help you see the service in all you experience in life.
The book asks you to consider:
- You are so much more than you have been led to believe.
- God is inside of you (you are source energy).
- You are responsible for your creations and personal reality.
- You co-create synchronicities to execute your life plan.
- You have free choice.
- There are no accidents.
- You planned to be here during this very special time on Earth.
- The New Energy is transforming our consciousness to one of love.
- Striking your match lights the way for others.
- All you need is...love.