Awaken Now Humanity!
The Great Reveal: What Future Will We Choose?
Rachael Busby
Zach Bussewitz
Rise and Shine!
Wecolme to the new day that is awakening now in Truth, Love, & Enlightenment!
Have you ever felt like this world we live in is out of balance, mis-aligned, or missing the mark?
Have you ever wondered why this world we live in just doesn't align with the virtues, love, and truth of higher Enlightenment?
Have you ever pondered that humanity as a whole could live holistically better, much more loving, and spiritually higher?
Awaken Now Humanity reveals basic answers to some of our deepest questions concerning the nature of this world we live in.
In a simplified manner, Awaken Now Humanity exposes and discerns ways "of this world" from those that are in the natural truth of heart-mind Enlightenment.
Humans were created and intended to spiriutally evolve into their highest possible selves as enlightened spiritual beings.
Yet, somewhere within humanities epoch history and timeline humans were diverted, subdued, and manipulated from living within and reaching their true potenitiality of their Higher Heart-Mind Enlightened nature.
This book will assist us back to finding our path, road, and way towards living as heart-mind enlightened humans once again. However, this is exactly why we are being called now to utilize our greatest "discernment" so that we may finally separarte the wheat from the chaff, the good from the evil, the Heart-Mind Enlightened from the anti-Enlightened.
As we reveal more about our outer world we also discover that in order to change "this world" we must also change ourselves from within.
Hence, we are now called to "be the change that we are desintended to be in the world".
In this way, which is "the way, the truth, and the life" of Heart-Mind Enlightenment, we too will change the world.
A new light, a new day, a new you, a new humanity, and an enlightened new Earth are on the horizon. What future will we choose? But, first and foremost, we must awaken now humanity!
©2023 Zach Bussewitz (P)2025 Zach Busswitz