• Snowfall Serenade: Love Found in Poetic Whispers

  • 2025/02/24
  • 再生時間: 16 分
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Snowfall Serenade: Love Found in Poetic Whispers

  • サマリー

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Snowfall Serenade: Love Found in Poetic Whispers Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-24-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zimski dan je bil hladnejši kot običajno, a v kavarni v Ljubljani je bilo prijetno toplo.En: The winter day was colder than usual, but in the café in Ljubljana, it was pleasantly warm.Sl: Ljubitelji poezije so se zbrali na dogodek branja poezije.En: Poetry lovers had gathered for a poetry reading event.Sl: Svetloba je bila mehka, izza velikih oken pa se je videl sneg, ki je nežno prekrival ulice.En: The light was soft, and from behind the large windows, one could see the snow gently covering the streets.Sl: Jure je sedel v kotu kavarnice, nervozno mečkal list papirja.En: Jure sat in the corner of the café, nervously crumpling a piece of paper.Sl: Njegovo srce je bilo polno besed, ki jih je želel deliti.En: His heart was full of words he wanted to share.Sl: Pogosto se je počutil nerazumljen med svojimi prijatelji.En: He often felt misunderstood among his friends.Sl: Pošiljali so mu začudene poglede, kadar je omenil svojo ljubezen do poezije.En: They sent him puzzled looks whenever he mentioned his love for poetry.Sl: Danes pa je imel priložnost.En: But today he had an opportunity.Sl: Prvič se bo povzpel na oder in prebral pesem, ki je bila osebna in iskrena.En: For the first time, he would step onto the stage and read a poem that was personal and sincere.Sl: Na drugi strani kavarnice je sedela Nika.En: On the other side of the café sat Nika.Sl: Ravno je zaključila študij.En: She had just finished her studies.Sl: Uživa v različnih oblikah umetnosti.En: She enjoys different forms of art.Sl: Danes je prišla po navdih.En: Today, she came for inspiration.Sl: Hrepenela je po pristnih stikih, ki so se v današnjem svetu pogosto zdeli površni.En: She longed for genuine connections, which often seemed superficial in today's world.Sl: Pozorno je poslušala vsak verz, ki so ga pesniki govorili.En: She listened attentively to every verse spoken by the poets.Sl: Ko je prišla Juretova vrsta, je stopil na oder.En: When it was Jure's turn, he stepped onto the stage.Sl: Soglasje množice ga je nekoliko pomirilo.En: The approval of the crowd calmed him a bit.Sl: Globoko je vdihnil in začel.En: He took a deep breath and began.Sl: Njegov glas je bil najprej tih, a potem je našel pogum.En: His voice was soft at first, but then he found the courage.Sl: Recitiral je pesem, ki je govorila o iskanju pravega doma in ljudi, ki razumejo.En: He recited a poem about searching for a true home and people who understand.Sl: Nika je bila očarana.En: Nika was enchanted.Sl: Njegove besede so segle globoko v njeno srce.En: His words reached deep into her heart.Sl: Ko je zaključil, se je Nika odločila.En: When he finished, Nika made a decision.Sl: Premagala je svojo običajno zadrego in pristopila k njemu.En: She overcame her usual shyness and approached him.Sl: "Zdravo, Jure," je rekla.En: "Hello, Jure," she said.Sl: "Tvoja pesem me je resnično ganila.En: "Your poem really moved me."Sl: " Jure je bil presenečen, a njegov obraz se je zmehčal.En: Jure was surprised, but his face softened.Sl: Pogovorila sta se o poeziji in življenju, delila svoja razočaranja in upanja.En: They talked about poetry and life, sharing their disappointments and hopes.Sl: Jure je zatajil dih in prebral še eno pesem.En: Jure held his breath and read another poem.Sl: Besede so bile polne čustev in so nežno pritekle iz njega.En: The words were full of emotion and flowed gently from him.Sl: Nika ga je poslušala, vsak verz je bil kot glasba za njena ušesa.En: Nika listened to him, each verse was like music to her ears.Sl: Po koncu je tiho rekla: "Razumem.En: At the end, she quietly said, "I understand.Sl: Resnično razumem.En: I really understand."Sl: "Ko sta sedela skupaj, je bilo, kot da cel svet okoli njiju ne obstaja.En: As they sat together, it was as if the entire world around them ceased to exist.Sl: Čas je hitro minil, in oba sta čutila, da sta pravkar našla nekaj pomembnega.En: Time passed quickly, and both felt that they had just found something important.Sl: Dala sta si telefonski številki in skupaj zapustila kavarno, zavita v mehke plašče.En: They exchanged phone numbers and left the café together, wrapped in soft coats.Sl: Snežinke so počasi padale, ko sta hodila po ulici.En: Snowflakes fell slowly as they walked down the street.Sl: Oba sta imela korak lažji kot prej.En: Both had a lighter step than before.Sl: Jure je začutil, da ni sam v svojem pesniškem svetu, Nika pa je ponovno verjela v iskrenost in globino človeških vezi.En: Jure felt that he wasn't alone in his poetic world, while Nika believed once again in the sincerity and depth of human connections.Sl: V hladu zimskega večera je v njunih srcah sijala nova toplina.En: In the cold of the winter evening, a new warmth shone in their hearts.Sl: ...
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Snowfall Serenade: Love Found in Poetic Whispers Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-24-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zimski dan je bil hladnejši kot običajno, a v kavarni v Ljubljani je bilo prijetno toplo.En: The winter day was colder than usual, but in the café in Ljubljana, it was pleasantly warm.Sl: Ljubitelji poezije so se zbrali na dogodek branja poezije.En: Poetry lovers had gathered for a poetry reading event.Sl: Svetloba je bila mehka, izza velikih oken pa se je videl sneg, ki je nežno prekrival ulice.En: The light was soft, and from behind the large windows, one could see the snow gently covering the streets.Sl: Jure je sedel v kotu kavarnice, nervozno mečkal list papirja.En: Jure sat in the corner of the café, nervously crumpling a piece of paper.Sl: Njegovo srce je bilo polno besed, ki jih je želel deliti.En: His heart was full of words he wanted to share.Sl: Pogosto se je počutil nerazumljen med svojimi prijatelji.En: He often felt misunderstood among his friends.Sl: Pošiljali so mu začudene poglede, kadar je omenil svojo ljubezen do poezije.En: They sent him puzzled looks whenever he mentioned his love for poetry.Sl: Danes pa je imel priložnost.En: But today he had an opportunity.Sl: Prvič se bo povzpel na oder in prebral pesem, ki je bila osebna in iskrena.En: For the first time, he would step onto the stage and read a poem that was personal and sincere.Sl: Na drugi strani kavarnice je sedela Nika.En: On the other side of the café sat Nika.Sl: Ravno je zaključila študij.En: She had just finished her studies.Sl: Uživa v različnih oblikah umetnosti.En: She enjoys different forms of art.Sl: Danes je prišla po navdih.En: Today, she came for inspiration.Sl: Hrepenela je po pristnih stikih, ki so se v današnjem svetu pogosto zdeli površni.En: She longed for genuine connections, which often seemed superficial in today's world.Sl: Pozorno je poslušala vsak verz, ki so ga pesniki govorili.En: She listened attentively to every verse spoken by the poets.Sl: Ko je prišla Juretova vrsta, je stopil na oder.En: When it was Jure's turn, he stepped onto the stage.Sl: Soglasje množice ga je nekoliko pomirilo.En: The approval of the crowd calmed him a bit.Sl: Globoko je vdihnil in začel.En: He took a deep breath and began.Sl: Njegov glas je bil najprej tih, a potem je našel pogum.En: His voice was soft at first, but then he found the courage.Sl: Recitiral je pesem, ki je govorila o iskanju pravega doma in ljudi, ki razumejo.En: He recited a poem about searching for a true home and people who understand.Sl: Nika je bila očarana.En: Nika was enchanted.Sl: Njegove besede so segle globoko v njeno srce.En: His words reached deep into her heart.Sl: Ko je zaključil, se je Nika odločila.En: When he finished, Nika made a decision.Sl: Premagala je svojo običajno zadrego in pristopila k njemu.En: She overcame her usual shyness and approached him.Sl: "Zdravo, Jure," je rekla.En: "Hello, Jure," she said.Sl: "Tvoja pesem me je resnično ganila.En: "Your poem really moved me."Sl: " Jure je bil presenečen, a njegov obraz se je zmehčal.En: Jure was surprised, but his face softened.Sl: Pogovorila sta se o poeziji in življenju, delila svoja razočaranja in upanja.En: They talked about poetry and life, sharing their disappointments and hopes.Sl: Jure je zatajil dih in prebral še eno pesem.En: Jure held his breath and read another poem.Sl: Besede so bile polne čustev in so nežno pritekle iz njega.En: The words were full of emotion and flowed gently from him.Sl: Nika ga je poslušala, vsak verz je bil kot glasba za njena ušesa.En: Nika listened to him, each verse was like music to her ears.Sl: Po koncu je tiho rekla: "Razumem.En: At the end, she quietly said, "I understand.Sl: Resnično razumem.En: I really understand."Sl: "Ko sta sedela skupaj, je bilo, kot da cel svet okoli njiju ne obstaja.En: As they sat together, it was as if the entire world around them ceased to exist.Sl: Čas je hitro minil, in oba sta čutila, da sta pravkar našla nekaj pomembnega.En: Time passed quickly, and both felt that they had just found something important.Sl: Dala sta si telefonski številki in skupaj zapustila kavarno, zavita v mehke plašče.En: They exchanged phone numbers and left the café together, wrapped in soft coats.Sl: Snežinke so počasi padale, ko sta hodila po ulici.En: Snowflakes fell slowly as they walked down the street.Sl: Oba sta imela korak lažji kot prej.En: Both had a lighter step than before.Sl: Jure je začutil, da ni sam v svojem pesniškem svetu, Nika pa je ponovno verjela v iskrenost in globino človeških vezi.En: Jure felt that he wasn't alone in his poetic world, while Nika believed once again in the sincerity and depth of human connections.Sl: V hladu zimskega večera je v njunih srcah sijala nova toplina.En: In the cold of the winter evening, a new warmth shone in their hearts.Sl: ...

Snowfall Serenade: Love Found in Poetic Whispersに寄せられたリスナーの声
