Basics of Photography
No Longer Ask "What Does this Term Mean or How do They Take Those Pictures?" With This Audiobook, You Too Will Be Able to Capture Beautiful Images.
Michael Campobasso
Diego Garcia
If you're a newbie to photography look no further, the search is over. In this audiobook, you will finally learn how to use your digital camera and start taking great photographs. You will learn:
- What all the modes on your camera do
- What photography terms mean
- How to use manual mode (what's iso, aperture, and shutter speed)
- What focus mode to use
- What drive mode to use
- Whether to choose jpeg or raw
- The effects of white balances
- How to compose your photograph
- What each lens does and when to use it
- How to clean your camera and lens
- And more...
Grab your copy today, just scroll up.
- No prior knowledge needed
- Easy to understand
- All the information needed to take great photographs
- Easy to refer back to
About the Author: Diego is a photographer from California. He started photography at the age of 12 and since then he's been learning everything he can to get better. He wanted to put all of these techniques he's learned throughout the years into a single book while still being understandable and fun to read.
©2018 Diego Garcia (P)2018 Diego Garcia