Bedtime Stories for Children: Aesop's Fables
Benjamin Gray
More than 100 fables from the most famous storyteller of all time!
Aesop’s Fables, the globally read phenomenon, originated from a man who lived long ago, a storyteller, actually. His name was none other than Aesop; his last name though, no one really knows. Aesop was a slave in ancient Greece who told his stories between 620 and 564 BCE, which is when he’s believed to have lived. Since those ancient times, many of his stories have been told and retold. It is sometimes hard to tell which is the original of so many of his stories, as they have been passed down orally, written from book to book, and told from generation to generation. So obviously, the stories have changed a lot over the years.
His stories have spread so widely all through the years that there are different translations for all the stories; from Latin, to Greek, English, and even some Asian languages. Each culture may have a different story line or a different moral lesson, but at the end of the day, we are all learning the same thing under the great Aesop.
There are so many fables out there wrongly accredited to Aesop, regardless of the fact that some of the stories came before his existence and even after his death. Some of them will be told at the end of this audiobook. The general error that people have made is that anywhere a children’s story has mythical creatures or animals with morals at the end, we automatically assume it is a work of Aesop.
Initially, the fables were supposed to be for adults and not children (that is the reason why most of the fables, if looked up today in their original versions and not a children’s translation, will be written in a complex and difficult-to-understand English rather than a generally understandable one). The moral lessons given at the end of the stories usually give political, social, and independent-living advice, which sometimes doesn’t apply to children.
But over the years, different authors have come at different points in time and have attempted to translate Aesop’s works into children’s books because after all, the stories are already full of animals and different creatures, which are appealing enough to the children crowd.
Some of the stories in this audiobook have characters that are human, some others are animals; there are also mythical beings such as satyrs (a faun, a Roman mythological creature of with pointed ears, legs, and the short horns of a goat and a fondness for unrestrained revelry), trees, flowers, plants, gods and goddesses, forces of nature, plain objects, and even Aesop himself.
Target audience of the audiobook: This audiobook was made with the intention of reaching out to children between the ages of two and 10 years or even older. It can be played for children as bedtime stories so that the morals can be learned as they dream, or it could also be played in class to younger kids by their teachers during story time.
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