Coerced to Coached
The Battle for Your Mind & Money
Dale Rich
Frank Congilose
The rapid rate of technological change allows us to be marketed to at every level of communication in our lives 24 hours a day, seven days a week. From our televisions, computers, and mobile phones, companies both big and small are vying for our attention, and ultimately, our money.
Sometimes, it is difficult to decipher whether marketing offers will actually add value to your life or your financial plan. Are you being offered true advice, or a product sales pitch packaged as advice?
Coerced to Coached: The Battle for Your Mind and Money was made as a guide to help you identify when you might be getting coerced in the name of a product sale verses being offered sound holistic financial advice. By understanding the significance of advice that is rooted in a holistic coaching philosophy, you will be better prepared to make decisions that are in your best interest, not someone else’s.
It is my hope that by listening to Coerced to Coached, you may be better prepared to “enjoy life, build wealth, and leave a legacy”.