Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia
A Session-by-Session Guide
Jeff Wisniewski
Cognitive behavior therapy, which has been adapted to treat so many problems, has also brought data-driven and data-yielding treatment to insomnia. Focusing on this evidence-based modality, cognitive behavioral treatment of insomnia (CBT-I) is a much-needed treatment manual that provides clinicians with the whys and hows of this approach in concise and practical terms.
This book, which is written as a listener-friendly guide, is intended for clinical trainees, non-insomnia sleep specialists, and for expert CBT clinicians from outside the sleep medicine field who wish to begin the process of learning to provide empirically validated CBT-I.
The book is organized into seven parts: definition of insomnia; review of the conceptual; framework for treatment; overview of the components of therapy; session-by-session guide; dialogues; assessment and eligibility for CBT-I; and sample documentation. The organizing principles for the guide can best be expressed as two seemingly simple questions:
"Who is appropriate for CBT-I?"
"What does one need to know to set up a behavioral sleep medicine service?"
The guide provides all that one needs to confidently answer these questions.
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