Customs and Fashions in Old New England
Joseph Tabler
A Dusty Tomes Audio Book
In Cooperation with Spoken Realms
A Major US Historian Series
Customs and Fashions of Old New England by Alice Morse Earle first published by Charles Scribner’s Sons 1893.
Note: This book is ‘read as written'. It was published in 1893. It is in the public domain.
Narrator’s comment: This book is quite wonderful, a slice of life from another time, at once fun, interesting, and real history. Alice Morse Earle is great! (And not easy to read at times, due to the spelling of the quoted diaries, letters, and so forth.)
I. Child Life
II. Courtship and Marriage Customs
III. Domestic Service
IV. Home Interiors
V. Table Plenishings
VI. Supplies of the Larder
VII. Old Colonial Drinks and Drinkers
VIII. Travel, Tavern, and Turnpike
IX. Holidays and Festivals
X. Sports and Diversions
XI. Books and Book-Makers
XII. Artifices of Handsomeness
XIIL Raiment and Vesture
XIV. Doctors and Patients
XV. Funeral and Burial Customs
Dusty Tomes Audio Books are public domain books retrieved from the ravages of time. Available as never before, as audio books, for your edification, pleasure, and consideration.
Originally published in 1893.
Public Domain (P)2023 Spoken Realms