Divine Light
Kris Dyer
C J Spracklin
Eugenics, murder and religious fervour–the return of humanity to Earth, causes turmoil and brings a surprise meeting with its new sentient life.
With unseeing eyes, Major George Tomson gazed down into the training hall from his office window. The F-omat, on the desk behind him, flicked to standby but the last message loomed in his mind and arrested all further thought. The soft footfall in the corridor and the gentle tap on the door went unnoticed. He vaguely sensed a faint aromatic odour.
"Major Tomson, I understand congratulations are in order."
George spun on his heels to face the tall figure with elfin features, dressed in white.
In the far future the inhabitants of the Moon are divided in two. One group has evolved to live in low gravity–the other has been physically and biologically, kept ready for a return to Earth.
Commander Akira Yamamoto sat cross-legged on the floor of his spherical office, eating his morning rice. The entirely transparent construction gave him a commanding view down the central shaft of Kasei Base. Intelligence Officer Chimon Yamada steeled himself and walked across the glass bridge towards the orblike office–he tried his best not to focus on the bottomless depths, with partial success.
The colony on Mars was founded by people of Japanese descent. A strong hierarchy and deference are still a part of their culture. Some of the citizens of Mars hold strong religious views concerning the Earth.
The still warm vole gave a satisfying crunch as Bora surveyed the scene. One eye focused upon the preparations on the foreshore, the other scanned the heavens for a sign from the Gods–the louring grey clouds gave no clue as to their intentions.
Intelligent life on Earth is no longer human. Communication within society is dominated by colour. The gods speak through the Aurora Borealis and Australis.