Finding Church
What If There Really Is Something More?
Wayne Jacobsen
Wayne Jacobsen
If, like many other people, you have questioned whether there is something more to Jesus church than the religious institutions we've inherited after two thousand years, you'll want to read Finding Church. Here is straight talk from a man who has sought authentic New Testament community for more than fifty years and who has discovered it in the most unlikely places. Now Wayne wants to help you find this incredible bride Jesus is shaping by looking at the church as God sees her and by recognizing her as she takes shape around you. His church is a living temple, springing up in the individual heart and then knit into a worldwide community of people whose very relationships put God s glory on display. There s no way human effort can build it or sustain it, which is why our attempts fall so woefully short. She is the fruit of a new creation of men and women who live beyond the human conventions of society and share a life in Jesus that satisfies their most ardent hunger.
©2014 Wayne Jacobsen (P)2014 Wayne Jacobsen