Hitchhiking Across the Country with My White Cane in the 70's
Ken Solin
David Gordon
When I was young and foolish I hitchhiked across the country with my white cane and survived a lot of things that arguably I should not have.
I was almost hit by a trolley car, I had numerous encounters with the police, was approached by child trafficking rings, was robbed at gun point, and was involuntarily driven in to a wooded area by two very impaired people. I was also wrongfully placed in a mental institution. I also met lawyers who assisted me in a major law suit against a Fortune 500 Company.
The book begins with one of the experiences that I survived while hitchhiking in Florida. I continue by writing about my life as a blind person. How did my parents handle the news no parent can possibly be prepared for - that I was totally blind? How did I handle my blindness, and how did my need to be independent deeply influence my future?
It also colorfully discusses my time in a residential school for the blind and some of the conflicting emotions that impacted me, such as feeling sad and abandoned when being sent away from home at the age of four years old, and numerous other occasions during my youth.
Listeners will cry as they experience the sadness, anger, and depression that I grew up with. They will smile and laugh as they read stories that are humorous, interesting, and educational from the standpoint of blindness, and stories that demonstrate outright stupidity because kids who are poorly supervised can do some crazy things when left to their own devices. They will ride with me and at times fear for their lives as I did when I hitchhiked across the country with just my white cane. They will experience with me the many dangers that I faced and was totally unprepared for - but somehow I survived them all.
Was I brave, stupid, young, and invincible, or simply naive and totally unaware of impending dangers? These things are left for you to decide.
©2017 David Gordon (P)2018 David Gordon