In Defense of the Bible, Volume 3
Another seven great chapters that defend God's word!
Chapter one - God's Colors & Numbers by Paul Van Noy
God is perfect in his word. Every syllable in the Bible is God-breathed and therefore trustworthy...including every color and every number. An entirely new world of biblical insight opens up when you understand the meaning of numbers and color in Scripture.
Chapter two - The Chair by Frank Peretti
Frank opens your eyes to God's truth using humor, fact, and every-day illustrations of a world gone mad. Using only a chair, Frank shows the absurdity of not having a fixed point of reference outside our life and its ramifications. You'll laugh and cry.
Chapter three - What Happened to the Dinosaurs? by Russ Miller
This fascinating study will forever change the way you think of Noah's Ark and the dinosaurs!
Chapter four - 10 Best Evidences for Creation
This is a list you'll use the rest of your life. The top 10 in creation apologetics!
Chapter five - Genesis - All or Nothing! by Ken Ham
Ken is founder and CEO of Answers In Genesis, a ministry dedicated to defending Scripture from a scientific viewpoint. He talks about the foundational importance of the book of Genesis.
Chapter six - 7 Best Scientific Arguments for Creation by Mike Riddle
Mike covers a lot of ground with this one - the universe, absolutes, life, fossils, design, and more. This presentation nails shut the creation vs. evolution debate.
Chapter 7 - America's Christian Roots by Russ Miller
Listening to the liberals you would think this nation was founded by a bunch of atheists! But that is far from the truth. You'll learn the backgrounds and testimonies of our founding fathers and incredible pictures of our nation's capital today - with Christianity proudly displayed on most every key building. God bless America!
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