Marriage Communication
Paving the Road to Marital Happiness and Bliss
Sarah Owens
Viola Lamers
This is a book that consists of four titles, which include some of the following topics:
Title 1: This is a guide for couples, for future marriage partners, and just those who want to know more about the topic. In this book, you’ll find hidden treasures that apply to all kinds of aspects of a happy marriage. Some of the topics you will find in this book are:
- Communication skills between husband and wife.
- Ways to spice up your sex life.
- Some tips on how to handle children when you’re married.
- Some crazy myths you may have heard, and why they are not true.
- A whole list of tips from an experienced person.
- How to manage your money in a marriage relationship.
Title 2: Marriage is mostly working on yourself and learning to deal with someone else’s imperfections. In this particular book, we are going to address a few of the most common, most important ones.
First, the will and skill to forgive has made more people happier in their relationships than you can probably imagine.
Next, one of our worst vices, the tendency to wrath, to explode in anger, is actually in all of us. So it’s one of the things that can make or break your marriage, and it relates to forgiveness as well.
Last but not least, this book highlights the importance and the best techniques of communication in marriage. Everything that matters most will be talked about, from sexual intimacy to talking to each other in a certain fashion, or timing the moment you say things.
Title 3: You’ve come across a great treasure of knowledge! This insightful book will help you understand yourself and the other sex better. The different points of view are laid out, and the oh-so different perspectives are emphasized in this comprehensible, relatable guide about marriage communication.
For example, the answers to the following questions will be given.
- What do men want? What do women really want?
- How do men and women communicate differently?
- What are the bedroom secrets to a happier sex life, both for men and for women?
- What frustrates a man or woman, and how can those stresses be reduced or relieved?
- What are some of the best ways to make your partner feel better about him- or herself?
- Which creative date ideas will help your marriage or courtship?
- What are some things that turn off your partner, and how can you avoid those?
- How can a marriage boost your own self-esteem and that of your partner?
Title 4: Let’s face it. A broken heart sucks. Divorce sucks. And even though it may be an improvement in your life because your former “love” life was worse, nobody likes going through all the pain, the awkwardness, the limitations, the financial drag, the arguments, the beating on your self-esteem, and so many other complications that come from shattered memories of a broken past. When you were in love, you probably hoped it would last, only to find out that the person you were with, was not as glamorous after all.
If you’ve been dumped, signed divorce papers, and are having a hard time coping with this next phase in your life, this book is for you. It’s called “marriage communication” for the sake of the series, but as you may have seen from the subtitle, it’s more so about those who have left marriage, or a co-habiting situation of some sort.
©2020 Viola Lamers (P)2020 Viola Lamers