Not the Christmas Story
A Comedic Christmas Caper
John Spencer
John Spencer
The Christmas story Monty Python-style.
The gospel according to St. John Spencer:
And there were shoppers abiding in Audible, keeping watch over their purchases by night. And lo, the cover of this book came upon their scrolling, and the humor of the book shone round about them, and they were sore afraid of spending more money.
And the cover said unto them, “Fear not: For, behold, I bring you good tidings of great laughter, which shall be to all purchasers of this book.”
“For unto you is middle-aged this day in the country of England a comedian, who is John Spencer.”
“And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shalt find this Christmas story wrapped in British wit, lying on a page.”
And it came to pass, that the shoppers said one to another, “Let us go now even unto the checkout and purchase this book which hath come to be written, which the cover hath made known unto us.”
And they came with credit cards and found the audiobook lying in their basket.
And when they had listened to it, they made it known abroad via their positive reviews. And all who read these reviews didst also purchase this book.
And the author treasured all these purchases in his bank account.
Sadly, not by the real Monty Python team. Sorry about that. But the author is British.
©2018 Kingdom Collective Publishing (P)2019 Kingdom Collective Publishing