Obesity: The Modern Famine
Discover the Underlying Drivers of Weight and Navigate Your Way to Health
Kathy M Campbell
Kathy M Campbell
Rethink obesity and create lasting health by harnessing the power of how our bodies work. Americans are living through a modern famine. With obesity on the rise and a cultural ideal of health built around “eat less, exercise more,” our bodies are being deprived of nutrients at the cellular level.
Slower metabolisms, weight gain, and lack of energy is our bodies’ way of responding to the ever-increasing modern demands and environmental pressures. It’s the norm in our busy lives to ignore the crucial elements that make up good health—sleep, fresh water, nutrition from nutrient dense foods, oxygen, movement, and more. It’s time to sound the alarm on the obesity epidemic and reveal the real truth: Obesity is not the problem; it’s the symptom of a much larger health crisis.
Dr. Kathy Campbell invites you to shatter the confines of conventional thinking around health and obesity. While obesity is labeled as personal failure, she propels you toward an enlightening realization: it’s time to look at our culture of health. Based on her popular TEDx talk with a unique blend of medical insight and her personal journey with obesity, Dr. Campbell reframes the healthy eating narrative to put the power of your health back in your hands.
Obesity: The Modern Famine is a blueprint for a healthier future. In a culture that reliably produces disease and obesity, Dr. Campbell offers a rallying cry for personal transformation for the life you want to live—one of vitality, well-being, and thriving health.
©2024 Kathy M Campbell (P)2024 Kathy M Campbell