Peace Is with You
A Path to Finding Your Peace within You
Ashlinn Romagnoli
Abigail Betts
Anxious, stressed, and insecure? Use these five keys to rediscover P.E.A.C.E. in your life.
Do you struggle to find balance in your life every day? Do you strive to make sure that everyone around you is happy, even if it’s at your own expense? Do you long for peace amidst the chaos around you?
For a woman who has become an anchor for everyone around her, finding a little respite for peace while balancing the tightrope of life can prove to be difficult. Even though you’re already overwhelmed with responsibilities, you still want to stay on top of your work and family obligations, ensuring that everything and everyone is taken care of.
There is a lot on your plate right now–you might be stressed about your past, anxious about your present, and insecure about your future. But as long as you’re prioritizing everything and everyone else over yourself, peace is going to be difficult to come by. Fortunately, there is a way to gain clarity on how to find and nurture peace within you.
And it all starts with looking back at your past....
In Peace Is with You you will discover:
- The five key P.E.A.C.E. method of finding peace and achieving balance in life.
- Recollect, reflect, reevaluate–discover how your early experiences and misconceptions shaped your current understanding of peace.
- How to let go of your past experiences and free your present for a better tomorrow.
- A six step method to stop you from people-pleasing, so that you can find time for yourself.
- How to set healthy boundaries in relationships and at work in four simple steps.
- The end of your anxieties and insecurities–discover dozens of exercises and strategies to help you overcome your worries and self-doubt.