Simple Super Effective Tactics to Increase Productivity, Focus, Time Management & Cure Procrastination Fast
La Petit Mort
Neo Monefa
Are you tired of being unproductive, of wasting so much time on distractions you don't even enjoy, of always putting things off until the last minute?
Are you ready to go from procrastination to productivity, to stay energized and focused throughout the day, to feel that satisfying sense of accomplishment at the end of the day?
Time is no less than your actual life, and yet it's so easy to throw it away on junk TV, mindless Internet surfing, or procrastinating with things we want to do and know we should do.
A productive person doesn't have any more time in their day than you do, and they certainly aren't busier than you are. The main difference is focus. A productive person has a way to cut through life's clutter and nonsense, and make sure that most of their efforts go to the good stuff - fulfilling work, relationships, self-improvement - anything they value, really.
Preview of what you will learn:
- How to take the first step towards success
- Why your mornings can make your day!
- Exercise your way to becoming an irresistible success magnet
- The art and science of time management
- Boost your brain, sharpen your mind
- Small workplace changes that can impact your productivity
- Simplify! Decide what really matters and get more done
- Understanding what procrastination is
- And much more!