Baal Kadmon
Baal Kadmon
In Judaism, there are several entities often referred to as Satan. However, one stands out above the rest, and his name is Samael. Yes, we recognize names like Belial, Mastema, and Asmodeus as being the princes and kings of the demons. However, it is Samael who has the distinct honor of being the father of the left-hand path, or as it is called in the Kabbalah, the “Sitra Achra”, or the “other side”. He is the top of the top and the father of all the Klippot that leads humanity astray. In this sense, he is the most powerful demon and the best and foremost representation of Satan that we have. Gnostics texts take it even further and call him a god.
In this audiobook, I will discuss Samael from as many vantage points as possible, and not only from the Jewish tradition. I will pull from the Christian and other traditions as well. I believe, from what I can ascertain, this audiobook will be the most concise and robust text on Samael available to date.
In this audiobook, you will learn the following:
- The meaning of the name Samael
- The origins of Samael
- Samael in the Targumim
- Samael In the rabbinic traditions
- Samael and Lilith—shadows of Adam and Eve
- Samael in the gnostic texts
- Samael in the Apocrypha
- Samael in the Kabbalah
- Samael in Islam
- Samael in the grimoire tradition
- Special topics
- Rituals to Samael
And more!
©2022 Baal Kadmon (P)2022 Baal Kadmon