Snakes in the Lobby
John G. Elliot
Scott MacLeod
This little book has already sent shock waves through the Christian music industry. It should send them through the Church as well. The deceptions and strongholds that gripped much of the Christian music industry are only a reflection of what has gripped the Church. The message of this book is vitally important for our times; it is not a sweet little bedtime story. Rather, it is a trumpet call to wake up, shake off the chains that are binding us, and take our stand for truth and righteousness."
This vision has been translated into nine languages around the world and has been instrumental in liberating multitudes within the creative community and from all walks of life. It exposes the darkness that binds us and points us toward our God-given destiny and victory in the Light. Scott MacLeod, founder of Provision International, has a vision to mobilize the creative community for compassion and justice and to see a second Renaissance–the rebirth of music and arts for God’s glory and for global Harvest. Since 1993, Scott and Sarah have served the inner city of Nashville, by God's grace. Along with some blood, sweat, and tears, they have seen massive transformation in the community to which they were called to lay down their lives.
There has been an astounding resurrection of this inner city neighborhood that was once called "Hell's Half Acre." Scott and Sarah are passionate about the orphans, fatherless, and poor communities to be embraced by the church of Jesus Christ and thus, be transformed for all to see the goodness of our God.
Narrated by: John G. Elliott
Music by: Andrew Hake Copyright 2011 Harvest Sound Media–All Rights Reserved
©1996, 1997, 1998, 2023 Scott MacLeod, Harvest Sound Publishing (P)2011 Scott MacLeod, Harvest Sound Publishing