Tactical Demonic Warfare
The Prophetic Wave
Sheri Hauser
Sheri Hauser
God has taken the cover off the plans of the evil one. He has turned the light on. For, his light will disclose all of the things hidden in the dark. And, when we shine his light on the plans of the Devil, he packs up his camp.
Our God fights for us because we are his children. We simply need to learn how to get behind him. This book is not a book on deliverance. This book is about the bigger picture, looking at the spiritual war between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan. It is written more like a war manual.
The book is presented like we are part of the Army of God. Before any battle is fought, there is a battle plan. God wants us to be part of the plan. He has the blueprints laid out on the table within his tent and is inviting us to come in and take a look at them with him. He is the captain of the army.
Sometimes we feel like we are alone in our fight against evil. Other times, we feel like giving up. We see rampages of drugs, depression, and suicide all around us. Often, our families are wrought with divorce and separation. We all battle with doubt because the evidence of Satan is so profound, and we only see a glimpse of God’s side.
My Katísha is written from the eagle's perspective. It is like God lifts us up and makes us hover over a huge battlefield between good and evil. And, there, he shows us the whole picture. When we have the vantage point of an eagle, we are able to see the position of the enemy and his weapons.
Just think. If you were a company commander, it would be beneficial to have the battle plan of the enemy within your reach. Our father has done more than that for us. He has, not merely disclosed the enemy plan, but shown us his weapons. For, this book uncovers the sword of Satan. It gives insight into how to look over his shoulder as he reads the maps in the camp.
Tactical Demonic Warfare stands God’s armament against Satan’s. Because, in case you didn’t notice, we are in a battle with evil. My Katísha shows you where the keys are to see with the eyes of God, develop a strategy from his viewpoint, and join with him in complete victory.
The book is written from dreams, visions and quiet time in prayer while hiking in the desert outside of Las Vegas. The dreams and visions are interpreted according to the Bible. Exhaustive Bible studies are embedded. Originally, this material was written in response to some questions that I had for God.
When I received the Holy Spirit in November 2000, I began to pray for the Church. At once, I realized that I was in the middle of an intense spiritual battle. I asked God how to help me and my prayers became victorious. I said, “God, if you want me to pray, I am plenty willing. But, I notice that Satan is winning. If you are in charge, why is the Kingdom of this world winning?” Then, I challenged him to show me the weapons. I asked first to see the weapon that he has given us. Then, I asked him to show me the weapon of the enemy. Because, why would I want to fight an enemy I didn’t know? Even a football team watches the films of the opponent before a competition. How could I fight something I could not see?
What he showed me is that the fight is a spiritual battle to be seen with spiritual eyes. If I learn to open my spiritual eyes—the eyes of my heart—then I will be able to see the whole thing. I will see Satan as he truly is, and I will see God as he truly is. So, I carried it a step further. I asked God to give me what it takes to win. I didn’t want to watch a battle where I was one of those getting pummeled. I asked him for my boxing gloves so that I might be able to fight intelligently, effectively, and with victory. So, if you are looking for your boxing gloves, listen on.
©2020 Sheri Hauser (P)2023 Sheri Hauser