The In Crowd
A BBC Radio 4 Comedy
The comedy sketch show from Manchester's Comedy Store starring Robin Ince, Helen Moon, Smug Roberts and Kate Ward
Meet Dot and her friend Millie, who only communicates in catchphrases; Wendy Clapper, who thinks TV, credit cards and swimming pools are nothing but trouble; and Jonathan Tudge, who just can't help putting his foot in it. You’ll also encounter the worst therapist in the world, the travel agent who won't let anyone go further than Lowestoft, a registered platitudopath and a bag lady turned sacred icon.
Plus, there’s lots of helpful hints and useful advice, how not to go about being a medium, an auctioneer or a tramp; and how to track down your old school bully. Find out what to do if you suspect your friends have been seeing other friends behind your back, how to be the worst babysitter, when it’s a good idea to have prosthetic hands and what to do with sequin waste.
Production credits
With Robin Ince, Helen Moon, Smug Roberts and Kate Ward
Written by Colin Anderson, Alex Boardman, Marvin Cheeseman, Eliah Chlopicki, Steve Cochran, Carl Cooper, Martin Dempsey, Mick Davies, Ed Dyson, Robin & Neil Gibbons, Sandy Gort, Robin Ince, Tom Mitchelson, Martin Mor, Sue Morris, Susan Murray, Lavinia Murray, James Quinn, Howard Reed, Lara Silverstone, The Trap, Susan Vale and Stan Vernon
Produced by Graham Frost
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 24 July-21 August 2002 (Series 3), 1 June-6 July 2004 (Series 4)
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