The Tenth
A Short Story
Peter Leppard
Many say that a composer's tenth symphony is cursed. Few have made it to their tenth, and Ludwig Van Beethoven, Spencer Evans' idol, was not one of them.
Spencer Evans, professor of music at a prestigious university, is one of the most well-respected pianists in the world. He is a legend in music, and is obsessed with the work of Beethoven. He has collected rare artifacts and items that belonged to Beethoven himself. To Spencer Evans' amazement, a new treasure arrives under mysterious circumstances.
An original copy of Beethoven's tenth symphony.
It must be played. It must be heard and appreciated, curse be damned. The discovery of this piece of music, thought to not even exist, will change the world. it will make music history. It seemed like fate that Spencer Evans will be the first one to play this symphony. To hear it for the first time.
He has always believed that there is a magic to music, but everything has its dark side, and some curses are very real.
©2020 Billie Dean Shoemate III (P)2020 Billie Dean Shoemate III