The Ultimate Retroactive Jealousy Cure
How to Stop Being Jealous of Your Partner’s Past in 12 Steps
Jessica Noel
Jeff Billings
Learn how to get over retroactive jealousy in 12 steps without spending a fortune on therapy.
Is your mind caught in a vicious circle of repetitive thoughts about your partner’s past love life?
Are you extremely bothered by the fact that they once engaged in casual sex? Or were in love with someone else?
Are you constantly wondering how to get over your girlfriend’s past? Or boyfriend, husband, wife’s? Don't worry, I know what you're going through....
I was also once afflicted by retroactive jealousy issues—irrational jealous thoughts about my girlfriend's sexual past—and struggled FOR MONTHS to overcome them.
Platitudes like "Just move on," or "The past is the past" were well intentioned but, as you probably know, completely meaningless. But finally, after months of battling, I discovered the secret of how to overcome my girlfriend’s past sexual exploits.
My retroactive jealousy audiobook will help squash all jealousy of your partner’s past, for good. Inside, I will teach you the ultimate retroactive jealousy cure—how to overcome retroactive jealousy in a relationship 12 SIMPLE STEPS.
Learn which TWO KEY EMOTIONS are fueling your retrospective jealousy, AND how to get rid of them.
REWIRE your mind to think about your partner's past in a whole new positive light. "What you resist, persists!
"Learn how to BREAK the cycle of resisting these jealous thoughts and feeling worse because of it.
Stop interrogating your loved one about their past behaviour and zero in on what really matters—THE PRESENT.
In short, learn how to not care at all about your husband, boyfriend, wife, or girlfriend's sexual or romantic history.
©2015 Jeff Billings (P)2025 Dave Chris