Unlocking the Gate to Financial Freedom
How to Never Work Again, Live the Life You Always Wanted, and Earn More by Doing Less
Brandon Martin
Bryce Campfield
I would wake up every day to go to a job where I was a cog in the machine. I had bought into the "American dream" mantra, and my wife and I were paying for it daily, as we worked our two jobs apiece. We were barely earning enough to pay the interest on our loans and our apartment rent. Our savings disappeared quickly, as one car broke down and had to be fixed. We knew we had to do something. We were at the end of our rope.
Then I met Petra. Petra was a laid-back gentleman I had met at my local community college. We took a few classes together, and he seemed to not really have a care in the world. I asked him what it was that gave him the ability to do whatever he wanted. He said, "Buy me lunch between classes and I'll let you in on my secret." This audiobook is all about Petra's secret, how I've made it work for myself, and how you can make it work for you, too.
Here is a preview of what you'll learn:
- Life sucks when you work for the man
- The game changer
- The lunch I would never forget
- Petra's secret
- The difference
- You make the call
- Much, much more!