When Your Plans for Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Don’t Work, Start to Lose Weight on Purpose!
Hypnosis for Women
Miki Michaelsen
Do you want to lose weight?
How many diets have you been on?
How much do you exercise each week?
Have you tried weight loss hypnosis?
How far have you gone on your search for weight loss? And why hasn’t it worked? Why haven’t you lost weight and kept it off? Why are you here looking for another quick fix?
What would you say if I told you that whatever you try would fail?
That sounds bad, doesn’t it? But let me explain.
You've gone from one weight loss tactic to another, and they’ve all failed. But, what’s the common denominator? You!
There is something about the way that you are showing up that is causing you to self-sabotage all of your weight loss attempts.
If you want to achieve lasting weight loss, you have to change your beliefs. The Complete Woman Club gives you opportunities to practice believing in the right weight loss story. Listen to and repeat our purposeful meditations until they get stuck in your head.
Start today!
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