Family Series:
“Teammates in Marriage”
With our Date Night coming up on Feb 15th, on this episode we’re sharing last year’s Date Night presentation. As caregiving couples it is often hard to find quality time to connect. That is what our Date Night is all about. We hope you’ll be inspired and encouraged by this message of hope on how even under the hardest of circumstances we can still thrive as “Teammates in Marriage”.
Eric and Christen Freund are co-founders of Hope on the Hard Road Inc. College sweethearts, they have been married for 26 years and live in San Diego with their son and daughter. Their family’s journey with special needs began when their daughter was diagnosed with Autism a week before her fourth birthday. There vision is to grow a thriving community, where families with children of all ages with special needs can feel connected, be encouraged, and find hope for the road ahead.
For a family raising a child with special needs, life can be difficult. There are many storms to weather and struggles to address, and we often feel isolated and alone due to the nature of our circumstances. Families have a need to connect and find resources, a need to be encouraged, and a need for hope as we walk down what can be a very hard road at times. Hope on the Hard Road Special Needs Podcast was created for this purpose. Our vision is to grow a thriving community, where families with children of all ages with special needs can feel connected, be encouraged, and find hope for the road ahead. Connect with Us: If you enjoy this podcast please share us with others and be sure to follow us so won’t miss an episode. We’d love to hear from you so please leave us a comment or rating and connect with us on social media or on our website.
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