
  • Cultural burning: using fire to protect from fire and revive Country - 傳統文化燃燒以火來保護土地
    Did you know that Indigenous Australians have been using fire to care for the land for tens of thousands of years? Evidence show that cultural burning practices not only help reduces the intensity and frequency of wildfires but also plays a vital role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Experts share insights on the latest evidence behind this ancient practice. - 知不知道幾千年以來,原住民用火作為保護和管理這塊土地的重要工具?「傳統文化燃燒」」(Cultural Burning)作為一種經過驗證的方法,不僅能減少野火的發生,還能維護國土的健康,亦正逐漸重新受到重視。學者和消防管理專業人士就分享了他們對這原住民傳統知識的看法。
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  • How to access parental leave pay in Australia - 在澳洲如何獲得有薪育兒假?
    In Australia, some parents can receive parental leave payments from the government and their employers. But not everybody is eligible. This article breaks down what’s available, who can claim, and how to access these benefits. - 在澳洲,一些父母可以從政府及僱主獲得帶薪育兒假(Paid Parental Leave),但並非每個人都符合資格。這篇文章將詳細說明有甚麼福利可供申請,誰可以申請,以及如何獲得這些福利。
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  • Are you breaching copyright when using social media? - 使用社交媒體時,你是否違反了版權?
    Have you ever shared someone else’s video or music on social media without their permission? Chances are you were infringing their copyright. Understanding how copyright is applied will help you avoid awkward situations and potentially serious consequences. - 你是否曾在未經他人許可的情況下,在社交媒體上分享他人的視訊或音樂?這很可能侵犯了他們的版權。了解版權的應用方式將可協助你避免尷尬的情況及潛在的嚴重後果。
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  • Important tips for cycling in Australia - 在澳洲踩單車的重要貼士
    Riding a bicycle is a common and affordable form of transport in Australia, with people cycling for sport, recreation and to commute. Cycling also comes with some rules to keep all road users safe. - 在澳洲,騎單車是一種普遍且經濟實惠的交通工具,大家騎單車是為了運動、休閒或上班。騎單車也有一些規則,以確保所有道路使用者的安全。
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  • What does January 26 mean to Indigenous Australians? - 1 月 26 日對澳洲原住民來說意味著什麼?
    In Australia, January 26 is the national day, but the date is contentious. Many migrants who are new to Australia want to celebrate their new home, but it’s important to understand the full story behind the day. - 每年的1 月 26 日都是慶祝「澳洲日」的國慶日公眾假期,但在社會上對此日子卻有很大的爭議。很多初到澳洲的移民會想要「入鄉隨俗」,參與慶祝活動,但了解這一天背後的完整故事是很重要的。
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  • Skin cancer in Australia: What are the risks and how can you protect yourself? - 皮膚癌在澳洲: 有甚麼風險以及如何保護自己?
    Did you know Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world? We’re also exposed to some of the highest levels of skin-damaging ultraviolet radiation. We can all reduce the incidence of skin cancer by understanding the risks and staying safe under the harsh Australian sun. - 你知道澳洲是全球皮膚癌發病率最高的國家之一嗎?我們也暴露在對皮膚損害最大的紫外線輻射中。我們都可以透過了解風險,來降低皮膚癌的發生率。
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  • 【銀包大出血】節日買禮物買到停唔到手?購物小貼士
    澳洲的「拆禮物日」(Boxing Day)是文化與商業的獨特結合。雖然沒有宗教含義,但這是澳洲人延續他們聖誕慶祝活動的日子。在當天,很多澳洲人會與家人燒烤、看板球比賽及觀看標誌性的雪梨到荷伯特的帆船賽。另一方面,許多澳洲人都期待著這一天去購物,以尋找最「抵買」的商品。
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  • Are you in need of crisis accommodation? - 遇上危險無家可歸點算好?各地緊急臨時居所幫到你!
    If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless it can be difficult knowing who to ask for a safe place to go. You don’t have to feel isolated, and there is no shame in asking for help. There are services that can point you to crisis accommodation and support, wherever you are. - 如果你或身邊認識的人遇到無家可歸、或面臨無家可歸的風險問題,可能很難知道應該向誰人,尋找一個安全落腳的地方。如果你不幸遇到這個情況,不需覺得被孤立,亦不需覺得尋求幫助而感到羞恥。在澳洲,無論你身處何地都有支援服務,可以幫助你在危機時找到一個臨時居所。在今集《解「識」澳洲》中會為大家詳細講解。
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