
  • Why are Australians losing millions of dollars to cryptocurrency scams? - 【SBS Examines】加密貨幣騙局如何令澳洲人損失數百萬元?
    Cryptocurrency is often promoted as a lucrative investment, even though experts warn it's high risk. - 加密貨幣最近非常流行,即使不同專家警告此舉高風險,仍然吸引不少人視爲高回報投資。
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  • What were the Stolen Generations? - 【SBS Examines】甚麼是「被偷走的一代」?
    Between the mid-1800s and the 1970s, Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families. What happened to those children, and what's the impact of the Stolen Generations today? - 從 19世紀中期至 1970 年代,當時的原住民兒童被強行帶走。 他們遭遇了甚麼事? 「被偷走的一代」(The Stolen Generations)對現今社會有何影響?
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  • Does Australia's Parliament reflect society? - 【SBS Examines】國會有否反映澳洲多元文化的真實情況?
    Australia is one of the world's most multicultural nations but our Parliament isn't. Does it matter? - 澳洲是世界上最多元文化的國家之一,但國會卻不是,你覺得重要嗎?
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  • Celebrating, reflecting, mourning: Indigenous and migrant perspectives on January 26 - 【SBS Examines】慶祝、反思、哀悼:原住民及移民對澳洲國慶日的觀點
    Some celebrate Australia Day with patriotic pride, others mourn and protest. What’s the right way to mark January 26, and can you have pride in your country while also standing against injustice? - 有些人以對國家感到自豪的心態慶祝澳洲國慶日,有些人則哀悼與抗議。怎樣紀念1 月 26 日才是正確的方式?你能夠在為自己的國家感到自豪的同時,也站出來反對不公義嗎?
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  • How do heatwaves highlight inequality? - 【SBS Examines】熱浪如何突顯社會不平等?
    In the midst of one of the hottest Australian summers on record, experts say heat inequality is deepening social division. - 在澳洲有史以來最熱的夏天中,專家表示熱浪加深社會分化。
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  • What is Zionism, and is it antisemitic to be anti-Israel? - 【SBS Examines】甚麼是猶太復國主義?反以色列是否等於反猶太主義?
    Reports of anti-Jewish incidents in Australia are on the rise. But there's disagreement on where to draw the line between antisemitism and anti-Zionism. - 在澳洲,反猶太人事件的報道正在上升。但對於如何劃分反猶太主義(Antisemitism)及反猶太復國主義(Anti-Zionism)之間的界線,依然存在分歧。
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  • Is antisemitism in Australia changing? - 【SBS Examines】在澳洲的反猶太主義正在改變嗎?
    Antisemitism is nothing new. But experts say the kinds of anti-Jewish incidents and attacks we're seeing now have never happened before in Australia. - 反猶太主義並不是甚麼新的意識型態。但專家表示,我們現在所看到的反猶太人事件與襲擊,以前在澳洲是從未發生過。
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  • Are Australian workplaces safe for migrant women? - 【SBS Examines】澳洲的工作環境對移民女性而言安全嗎?
    New research has highlighted the high rates of workplace sexual harassment and assault experienced by migrant women. Experts say there are many reasons why this type of abuse often goes unreported. - 新的研究顯示,移民女性遭遇職場性騷擾及性侵犯的比例很高。專家表示,有很多原因導致她們在面對性騷擾時選擇不舉報。
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