As believers we are all called to make disciples and love God with our whole lives--but do you know the specific calling God has on your life to do just that? Have you put words to it? Words have power! God made us all beautifully unique for a purpose!
Younique is a gospel-centered life design training system. EVERY believer--whether ministry leader, stay at home mom, business executive, or plumber WILL GREATLY benefit from going through this life-changing process.
Kimber's most important question: I would ask your future self - “If I ran into you a year from now, what is the most important thing we would be celebrating?” I’d love for everyone to have a clear answer to that question!
With over 30 years of vocational ministry experience, Kimber Liu (pronounced Lee-you) is a strategy-driven leader with highly developed organizational and mobilization skills. She has worked as a church planter, mircro-church movement leader, mega-church executive team leader. She, her husband Jay, and their beautiful adult daughter Skye are from Hawaii and have lived in multiple cities across the mainland as well as Madrid, Spain and Bangkok, Thailand. (Skye’s passport was full before she was 5!)
Today Kimber and Jay live in San Antonio as Kimber works with Run Free as an Executive Coach and the Executive Director of Younique. Learn more about what she and her team do at RunFree.co.
Free giveaway:
Listeners can get a Complementary Vision Session HERE. Offer is worth $500 and valid through January 2025 for anyone that lists “Only Love Today” as the organization they are from in their registration!
Before jumping into your FREE 1 hour coaching call be sure to check out the Younique Starter Kit for free! Click below!
Younique Starter Kit
Kimber LOVES email, connect with her HERE
Interview Time Stamps
[00:00] Welcome and Introduction
[03:10] The Role of Younique in Personal Development
[13:50] Identifying Lies From the Enemy and the Truth of God
[19:10] The Process of Growth and Fruitfulness (what Kimber learned as a wine sommelier)
[29:29] Finding Freedom in Your Calling (access to a free coaching call in January)
[35:11] Defining Success Beyond To-Do Lists
[40:00] Creating a Vision for Your Life
[45:00] A Fun Younique Tool to Use Today and Do With Your Kids
[52:00] Closing