One of the good things about my experience at the Faber academy is that we get to turn in submissions from our drafts for agents and publishers to look at. It really pushes me to challenge myself, and see just how much my writing career is progressing. In today’s episode, I’ll be taking you through the various submissions I have to make, and I’ll be talking about the pressures I feel as the deadlines approach.
What You Will Learn in This Episode:
- The pressure that comes with finishing up my synopsis and how I handle it
- The most challenging part of meeting my first submission deadline at Faber Academy
- My plans for how to successfully get selected to read on stage at the upcoming New York Festival
As much as I’m feeling the pressure of meeting these deadlines, I’m eager to demonstrate how far I’ve come in my learning process through these submissions. I’m willing to put my work out there, because I trust in my writing and I believe my work is good enough.
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- Listen to my podcast 'Entrepreneurs Get Visible' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast
- Find my Book 'Get Visible: How to Have More Impact, Influence and Income' https://www.annaparkernaples.co.uk/book
- Find my Book 'Podcast with Impact: How to Launch Your Podcast Properly' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/book-podcast-with-impact/
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