This special episode is for our Healthcare Providers who have worked so tirelessly to serve patients during the pandemic. Burnout is serious and it’s hard to continue to deliver compassionate care when you yourself are terribly depleted. Nicole sits down with Patient Lee Tomlinson, speaker, TED Talk presenter, and author of "Compassion Heals," a book dedicated to healthcare workers that provides a recipe for self-care and specific tools that can help them step off the treadmill and restore themselves, so they can freely give from a well of wellbeing and compassion within. Patient Lee Tomlinson inspires medical professionals to bring compassionate care back to the forefront of modern medicine to improve patient outcomes, decrease staff burnout, and enhance the bottom line. You can learn more about Lee Tomlinson or contact him directly at his website: http://leetomlinson.com/ You can buy his book, Compassion Heals: From Self-Care to Healthcare, on Amazon by clicking HERE.