How can you make money from your podcast with merchandise, and is that the right decision for you?
What You’ll Learn:
- What the benefits of merchandise are
- The sites where you could create merchandise for yourself, and what you can make with them
- How long it takes to set the store up
- When merchandise facilities are going to work best
- Different ways you can use your merchandise
- How you can make your merchandise ultra-exclusive
After listening to this episode, I hope that you go out and multiply your branding, so you get much more visible and build this into your podcast promotion strategy.
- Grab my Podcast Profit Maker www.annapn.co/profit
- Find out about The Podcast Growth Accelerator at www.annapn.co/growth
- Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnaParkerNaplesCoach/
- LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/annaparkernaples
- Website: https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/
- Listen to my podcast 'Entrepreneurs Get Visible' https://annaparkernaples.co.uk/podcast
- The sites where you could create merchandise for yourself: https://www.teepublic.com/ and https://www.redbubble.com/