Dr. Gerry Crete helps us unravel the confusion within us, why we have such deep internal conflicts and tensions that pull us in different directions and tear at our hearts. St. Paul tells us in Romans 7:15, “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” What’s up with that? Parts. Parts are up with that, that’s what -- or who. And in this episode, Dr. Gerry and Bridget Adams shed so much light on our internal experience in our fallen human condition. Join us to learn about how parts, despite their good intentions and desires to help us, can generate impulses toward addictions and other problematic and even sinful behaviors. Learn how critical it is for parts to be integrated, to collaborate cooperatively with your inmost self, and most importantly, how parts can join in your loving God and neighbor with your whole heart in Dr. Gerry’s experiential exercise. For the full video experience with visuals, graphics, and discussion in the comments section, check us out on our YouTube channel here: www.youtube.com/@InteriorIntegration4Catholics