Guest Bio: Brittany Hurd is a former theatrical professional who, in late 2020, went a few rounds with a brain tumor and lost her eyesight. A trained singer, she has redirected her gifts toward chanting the Psalms in a musical theater style on the YouTube channel Canticlear. But her primary job is making her new husband a better Thomist, as they both re-learn what it means to build a virtuous and flourishing home in light of and in response to her blindness.
Show Summary: When we’re growing up, we probably have an idea of what we want our lives to look like. We may plan along the way and eventually find ourselves exactly where we wanted to be. However, sometimes our plans look nothing like what God has for us. Unexpectedly, we get a scary medical diagnosis, or something significant happens that alters the course of our lives. Brittany Hurd was diagnosed with a brain tumor that ended up taking her eyesight. This has completely changed her life, and now she’s navigating the change as a newlywed. Join hosts, Eryn Eddy Adkins and Vivian Mabuni, as they learn how Brittany takes it day by day with God in the midst of unexpected change during this God Hears Her conversation.
Notes and Quotes:
“The Lord promises strength for the day. He tells us to ask for our daily bread, not for tomorrow’s bread, not for next week’s bread, but today’s.” —Brittany Hurd
“Despite what truly is a bad thing, the Lord brings even a better thing out of it.” —Brittany Hurd
“You don’t have to do the big, showy, pastoral prayers, where all the words are just right. Just speak to the Lord. . . He always turns it to some resolution.” —Brittany Hurd
Psalm 123
Matthew 6:11
Romans 8:26-27
Psalm 103
Brittany’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Canticlear
Brittany’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/canticlear
God Hears Her website: https://godhearsher.org/
God Hears Her email sign-up: https://www.godhearsher.org/sign-upsfmc
Subscribe on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/god-hears-her-podcast/id1511046507?utm_source=applemusic&utm_medium=godhearsher&utm_campaign=podcast
Eryn’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eryneddy/
Vivian’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vivmabuni/
Elisa’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elisamorganauthor/
Our Daily Bread Ministries website: https://www.odbm.org/