Jerry Hartman is the President and Board Chairman of the Barbara McDowell Gerald S. Hartman Foundation. The McDowell Foundation aims to improve the economic well-being, social conditions, and civil liberties of disadvantaged persons and groups in the United States. The Foundation accomplishes this goal by providing over $1.7 million dollars to organizations performing impact litigation that seeks to protect the rights of underserved communities. Through victories in securing the rights of prisoners, children, racial minorities and more, the Foundation has shown that contributing to the right people seeking to do the right thing makes the world a better place to be in.
Jerry has had a long career as a litigator, including four years in the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division. He received the Department’s prestigious Special Commendation Award from the Attorney General of the United States. Jerry was a tenured law professor at Wake Forest Law School and has been a partner in several national law firms representing major American corporations in class action employment discrimination cases.