
  • 2 cunts by the fire.....Keith calls in
    45 分
  • 2 dense dudes rambling on....Episode 10

    Me rambling on again

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    54 分
  • 2 dense dudes bythe fire.episode 9 by the fire G never shuts up. Jan 2025

    2 dense dudes by the fire. Episode 9 by the fire G never shuts up. Jan 2025. I finally talk for a change

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    52 分
  • 2 Dense Dudes by the fire pod cast....episode 6 Chris never shuts up

    Opinions of us freaks is our own and don't represent anyone else unless they say they do...Haha I never really get to talk this episode to be honest my work situation has been affecting me alot. Changed the pod casts name also this is the last 2 cunts show recorded. Also Chris and Gill go off about abusive bosses again.....

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    1 時間
  • 2 cunts broken promises

    Chris and I call out a friend for not coming to be a guest on the pod cast

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    56 分
  • 2 cunts episode 4
    1 時間
  • Fuck this....G and Chris go off

    We go off again......voicing our pissed offness of the state of shit

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    59 分
  • 2 cunts......episode 7 outside the box

    Being person who thinks outside the box or differently should not be singled out or picked on....One of the Bloaks in cornwall

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    54 分