This week Washington has continued its disingenuous and saturnine magic show. That club-fisted sleight-of-hand that answers, “what are you doing?” with, “Me?? Hey, look over there! A Unicorn!” Sadly, many, many Americans are still falling for it. You know, there’s a saying in the recovery community. It goes like this: “What’s the definition of insanity? Continuing to do the same old thing, and expecting different results.”
Charlie Brown, knowing that Lucy has tricked him every time, gives it one more shot. And devious Lucy, as we all know that she will, pulls the football away, and Charlie, yet again, winds up flat on his back. Will he never learn? Probably not.
In the first segment of the show, we’ll try to introduce a little sanity into this weeks news. Instead of being tricked into kicking for the football again, let’s kick Lucy!
In the second second segment of this week’s podcast, we’ll begin our explorations of Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Lief Babin.