New Research on Food Allergy Prevention Indicates Crucial Timing of Allergen Introduction
Current research shows that how we feed babies during infancy can help reduce the risk of food allergies. However, feeding guidelines regarding allergens have changed radically in the past decade, so it’s important to make sure we’re not following outdated advice that doesn’t align with new research. In addition, infant feeding guidelines in general have also changed. To address these updated guidelines and help parents navigate all the latest research and the process of starting solids, Malina Malkani recently released an evidenced-based baby-led feeding guide and cookbook that makes it easy to feed your baby with confidence, introduce allergens early and consistently, and offer delicious, stress-free meals the whole family will enjoy.
Tune into this episode to learn about:
● Why food allergy prevention strategies are necessary for all babies, not just those at increased risk
● What the current research shows about best practices to reduce the risk of food allergies
● How infant feeding guidelines have changed regarding food allergies and in general
● The risk factors for developing food allergies
● What the top food allergens are
● What it means to offer top allergens early, often and consistently
● How to safely feed common allergens that may be a choking hazard
● Recommended first foods for baby-led weaning or baby-led feeding
● How food allergies disproportionately affect low-income families
● What we know about how food allergies develop
● The difference between baby-led weaning and traditional spoon feeding
● What age to start solids
● Clarification regarding the 4-6 month window for starting solids
● Malina’s new book that addresses these issues and provides family friendly recipes
● Other resources for parents and health professionals
Full shownotes, transcript and resources: https://soundbitesrd.com/282