An auspicious palindrome of an episode number! Granted, in triple digits one encounters a palindrome every ten episodes or so, but I'm sure the numerologists amongst us have special enthusiasm for the mighty TRIP THREE. I mean, primes, and threes, and all that. Anyway, it'll be a minute until we reach episode TRIP FOUR, so let's savour this while we can.
01:10 AYURIS: Mille Fiori (Reiner Knizia, Schmidt Spiele, 2021)
Games Played Last Week:
04:06 -Lunar Rush (Steven "Skippy" Brown, Dead Alive Games, 2023)
08:53 -Dragons Down (Scott DeMers, Mr. B Games, 2024)
16:20 -Things in Rings (Peter C. Hayward, Allplay, 2024)
26:00 -EGO (Reiner Knizia, Bitewing Games, 2025)
33:37 -Keep the Heroes Out!: Boss Battles (Luís Brueh, Brueh Games, 2024)
37:20 -Mexica (Michael Kiesling & Wolfgang Kramer, Rio Grande Games, 2002)
40:22 -Avatar: The Last Airbender--Aang's Destiny (Patrick Marino, The OP Games, 2024)
43:47 -Formula D (Laurent Lavaur & Eric Randall, Asmodee, 2008)
45:18 -Aquatica: Coral Reefs (Ivan Tuzovsky, Arcane Wonders, 2024)
News (and why it doesn't matter):
50:22 Risk 2210 A.D.: Frontline expansion
51:49 New version of Diplomacy: Era of Empire
52:42 Axis & Allies: Battle for the Deep
53:41 Trilogy of Bitewing Knizia games: SILOS, EGO, and ORBIT
55:20 It's time for another Mission: Red Planet reprint
55:49 Join us in celebrating Arkhipov Day on October 27th
56:08 Topic: Expectations in Crowdfunding
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