Are you hustling and grinding away, day in, day out, trying to generate an income, and putting your 'life' on hold? I was there. I did that for most of my adult life. Working up to 16 hours a day. Every day. For weeks, months. Without a break.
I was a stranger to my family. I missed a lot of my children's early years. Not because I didn't care... but because I believed that, through sacrificing my life for long hours of work, I was supporting my family.
I missed out on so much. Time and experiences I can never get back.
In his book, B.O.S.S. Moves, Myron Golden writes, "I'm going to tell you something that is more important than what you do for a living: what you do while you're living."
Life is unpredictable. We often think at our family and friends will always be there... that we can spend time with them once the money making years are done.
Take the time and create the memories now. You never know what's around the corner.