Let’s have some real-talk about the overlap & integration of motherhood & entrepreneurship/work/dreams. One of the biggest lies society tells women is that we can have either babies or dreams, but not both….You CAN do both - We are living proof of this! It is hard, but it is SO worth it! Having kids & pursuing your dreams are not separate, distinct, or mutually exclusive. In fact, we wholeheartedly believe that by pursuing your family dreams (getting married, being open to life, having kids, etc.) you will further deepen your understanding of your personal & entrepreneurial dreams.
“Babies don’t keep us from our dreams. Babies & dreams always go together. They always have & they always will.” - Leah Darrow
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Erin: @flowering.at.his.feet
Melissa: @homesandholiness
Promo Links:
- JOIN US at the Catholic Farmer's Market on Feb. 1, 2025 @ St. Joan of Arc in Phoenix, AZ!!!
- Crunchi Skincare and Makeup - Use code "POLISHED" as a first time purchaser on orders over $75 to receive a free I Am Polished facial exfoliator - valid through Jan. 15, 2025 A Holistically Well Pregnancy Program - promo code: poiseinthenoise