Happy New Year from Easy English! As a way to celebrate, Mitch quizzes Isi (...with the help of Buzzfeed) to find her New Year's resolution, play along with the link in the show notes. Later, Raz has a question about improving his speaking skills in our section of Unhelpful Advice. Interactive Transcript Support Easy English and get interactive transcripts and bonus content for all our episodes: easyenglish.fm/membership Open the Interactive Transcript (https://play.easyenglish.fm/episodes/xe42cm9h2qde9k37xafn1) Download transcript as HTML (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xe42cm9h2qde9k37xafn1/easyenglishpodcast58_transcript.html?rlkey=8tpcc7jut273vp5k73kbczfvh&dl=0) Download transcript as PDF (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kjwecwna26xb9rssz4x7x/easyenglishpodcast58_transcript.pdf?rlkey=q26hg29ede2xqorsjuvhvucwr&dl=0) Subscribe using your private RSS feed to listen to our bonus content and find the interactive transcript right in your podcast app. Show Notes Get your New Year's Resolution: If You Don't Have A New Year's Resolution Yet, Take This Quiz To Get A Suuuuuuuper Specific One (https://youtu.be/oJcI5FzrEE0) Transcript Intro Isi: [0:23] Hello. I'm back. Mitch: [0:28] Full of energy. Isi: [0:29] I'm back. It's a new year. I'm back. Mitch: [0:32] Happy New Year! Isi: [0:33] Happy New Year! I'm back. Mitch: [0:37] You say that like you're surprised. Isi: [0:39] I'm back. Yeah, I haven't been in the podcast for. .. (Two episodes. ) I mean, I did the Aftershow. Did anyone hear it? Dear members, did you hear the Aftershow? I did the full Aftershow. I hope people listened to that. And did, also, that I did also do the Christmas icebreakers, in my isolated COVID room. Yeah, I had COVID, it took a long time it's still not completely gone. (But now?) Do you still hear my nose? And my... what do you mean now a new year? COVID doesn't care about years change. Mitch: [1:16] Yeah, exactly. Everyone's like, new year, new me. Isi: [1:19] New me... well, new me, at least, feels a bit better. Mitch: [1:22] A bit more nasally. Isi: [1:23] A bit more nasally. I think we're now coming. Yeah, it's now four weeks. Ah. Mitch: [1:30] Okay. Isi: [1:30] That was longer than expected, but, I'm on the mend. Mitch: [1:34] On the mend. Isi: [1:35] That's a good... Mitch: [1:36] I'm on the mend. Yeah, you mend the car. You mend your broken rollerblades that you broke, directly after you got it as a Christmas present from your grandmother. Isi: [1:43] And my broken body. Mitch: [1:45] And you've mended your broken body. Isi: [1:48] Yeah. Mitch: [1:48] To cheer you up, and to make you feel a bit better and to welcome you into the new year we have a new year's, themed, episode. And plus, we have some messages from fellow listeners, they could be pranks, they could be butt-calls, but we will play them. Support Easy English and get interactive transcripts and bonus content for all our episodes: easyenglish.fm/membership