December 20th 2024 was the shortest day.
From here on in, it's constant, never-ending improvement.
Marginal gains every day, gaining an extra minute in the morning, and/or a minute in the evening.
No noticeable difference whatsoever from day to day.
After a week, we gain 10 minutes of daylight a day. Whoop-de-do.
After a month, we get an extra hour a day. Now we're talking! We start to notice the difference - eventually waking up in daylight, or driving home in daylight (for me, one of the first signs is leaving a football match in the daylight around late February.)
After six months of constant never-ending improvement, we gain an extra 8 hours, 48 minutes and 38 seconds of daylight - a world of difference. But it all happened little-by-little, day-by-day.
And so it is with your business - if you're following the One Percent Way, you're making your business 1% better every week - an improvement that you won't even notice for months - but that eventually you'll look back over dozens (or eventually hundreds!) of weekly 1% gains, and the difference will be like night and day...