
  • 3.26 It's Presenting

    In this day and age, we're conditioned to present as "fine" & "ok" while hiding and ignoring what's making us sick. We are deceived if we believe our standing with God and the condition of the family unit, our country, culture, and communities are "okay." The truth is, we are not okay, and those who are healthy do not need a physician. We are sick spiritually, and it's presenting outwardly. The good news is the Master Physician has given us the cure. We must fill the prescription, follow the instructions, and apply the solution daily!

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    48 分
  • 3.25 Origin Story

    We miss mission-critical parenting moments when the smoke screen of temper tantrums, attitudes, and sass deter us from actually teaching and training our children in righteousness. If the foolishness bound up in our children is not driven out of them, it manifests later in life as they wander. They wander away from God's origin story, our purpose, and His plan for us when we don't capitalize on the opportunities to parent and teach at those mission-critical moments. AC explains how she uses her God-given gifts and talents to redirect her children's negative behavior and choices and allows the truth of God's Word to encourage her along this parenting journey.

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    1 時間 1 分
  • 3.24 If I Were The Enemy

    The attack on the family is wreaking havoc in this generation. We can not build strong families if we don't know the character of God, who we are in Christ, the schemes of the enemy to destroy the family unit, and the weapons of our warfare. AC tangibly walks through what the enemy is doing to dismantle our faith in a good and loving God who desires to restore us back to Himself, heal the brokenness in marriage and family, and ultimately use our testimony to glorify Him along our journey.

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    1 時間 2 分
  • 3.23 Prep The Soil

    Teaching and training children at home involves helping them discover their giftedness and tending the soil of their hearts. We are essentially preparing them for the harsh realities of this fallen and broken world and to be open and ready to receive the message of the gospel. The goal is for our children to go out into the world, use the gifts and talents God has blessed them with to bring Him glory, and bear good fruit. Getting in tune with your children's unique quirks and modeling openness to the gospel message are tangible ways we lead our children and set them on God-honoring paths.

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    29 分
  • 3.22 Generational Curses

    Understanding the root of generational curses and how they wreck the family legacy should be an immediate priority to know, uproot, and purge in our lifetime. As followers of Christ, we have to do the work to discover the source of dysfunction and heal what's broken in our family. How we choose to live and function in marriage and what we teach our children is our testimony. We are witnesses to how God desires to work in and through our family and give future generations a better inheritance.

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    42 分
  • 3.21 Boring Boundaries

    Obeying God's Law and direction for our lives, home, and family are the boundaries God has established to rescue us from the power of sin, protect us from folly, preserve us, and bless us. In a culture that views boundaries as unnecessary and boring, believers are called to be set apart for His glory, intimately familiar with "boring boundaries," and be thankful for how He loves and cares for us.

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    27 分
  • 3.20 Wandering Eyes

    AC is back for season three of ACv Family Talk!! She's kicking off the season premiere on the topic of wandering eyes. When we lose focus on God's design for our lives, marriage, family, and home life, we can easily find ourselves aimlessly WANDERING. Then we WONDER how {pineapple!} we get caught up in the sin that so easily entangles us.

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    27 分
  • 2.19 The Wise Wife

    A wise woman builds her house, but a foolish woman can tear it down with her own hands. In this season finale of ACv Family Talk, AC only has pearls by discussing the attributes of a wise wife through the lens of the wise and beautiful Abigail in 1 Samuel chapter 25.

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    44 分