
  • Crucifixion of Jesus and The Shroud of Turin | Arif Khan | AHI #podcast #21

    What are your thoughts on the crucifixion of Jesus and the Shroud of Turin? Share in the comments below!

    ▶️ We are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music & YouTube!

    🎙 The Al Hakam Inspire Podcast is hosted by Dr Hasham Ahmad & Dr Hamaad Muin Ahmad.

    📱 Socials: @alhakaminspire | X: https://X.com/alhakaminspire | Instagram: https://instagram.com/alhakaminspire | Subscribe: https://linktr.ee/alhakaminspire

    #Jesus #ShroudOfTurin # TombOfJesus #ReligiousHistory #InspirePodcast

    Our guest today is Arif Khan, a Biblical researcher and editor of the Tomb of Jesus website. Arif also appears in Paul Davids’ film, Jesus in India, which first aired on the Sundance Channel. Arif is currently serving as the Deputy Editor of the Christianity Section of The Review of Religions and is also a presenter on the VOI Radio for the Pathway to Peace Show.

    [00:00] Welcome

    [00:51] Introduction

    [02:00] Ahmadiyya viewpoint on the Crucifixion

    [03:47] Viewpoints on the Crucifixion of Jesus (as)

    [10:16] Did Jesus actually die on the cross?

    [15:56] The 'unknown years' of Jesus (as)

    [17:04] Did Jesus travel to India?

    [20:55] Jesus in India - Written by The Promised Messiah (as)

    [25:00] Conference on Deliverance from the Cross

    [27:22] 'Two Secret Disciples' - Joseph of Arimathea & Nicodemus

    [29:00] The ointment for Jesus: 'Marham-e-Isa'

    [33:02] "The Shroud of Turin"

    [35:01] Shroud of Turin Research Project

    [39:25] Radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin

    [45:57] Negative image of a Man on the Shroud of Turin

    [51:28] Is the Shroud of Turin genuine?

    [52:43] Barrie Schwortz - Shroud of Turin Researcher

    [57:31] Ahmadiyya belief about Jesus (as)

    [01:02:00] The Lost Tribes of Israel

    [01:05:58] Quranic reference to Jesus & Mary in Kashmir

    [01:06:28] THE TOMB OF JESUS

    [01:13:03] Rozabal Tomb, Kashmir - Is this the Tomb of Jesus Christ (as)?

    [01:19:52] Final thoughts & comments

    🔗 Links to material discussed in the podcast:

    📚 Jesus in India - written by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), The Promised Messiah (as)


    ▶️ Did Jesus die on the Cross - BBC Four Documentary


    ▶️ Shroud of Turin - Documentary on the Ahmadiyya viewpoint, Visited By Hazrat Khalifatul Masih


    ▶️ Shroud of Turin: Barrie Schwortz - World Leading Shroud Expert - Jalsa Salana UK


    ▶️ Barrie Schwortz - Shroud of Turin - Jalsa Salana UK 2015 - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community


    🔗 The Shroud of Turin Website:


    📚 The Sudarium of Oviedo and the Shroud of Turin


    📚 Conference on Deliverance from the Cross


    🔗 Tomb of Jesus (TOJ) website:


    ▶️ INTELLIGENT DESIGN — How Jesus SURVIVED the Crucifixion: A Scientific Analysis


    ▶️ Where Did Jesus Die? In KASHMIR!


    ▶️ Did Jesus Die - Richard Denton & Arif Khan Q&A


    ▶️ AMSA : Q&A Did Jesus Die Documentary (BBC) with Producer and Writer Richard Denton - QMUL


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    1 時間 23 分
  • Coffee | History, Science & Coffee Preparation | Dr Hammad Khan | AHI #20

    Our guest today is Dr Hammad Khan, who, by Profession, is a Consultant Neonatologist at St Thomas & Evelina Children’s Hospital, London. He is also the Director for Medical Services at Humanity First UK. Aside from his medical duties, Dr Hammad hosts the Weekend World, which is a Current Affairs show on the Voice of Islam UK Radio.

    He is also an avid Coffee lover, Coffee drinker, and some may argue a connoisseur. He is a coffee aficionado/enthusiast!

    We discuss the Origins, Cultivation, Coffee culture & types of Coffee around the World, and How to make the Brew…

    [00:00] Welcome

    [00:23] Introduction

    [02:10] Origins of Coffee & How Caffeine changed the World

    [04:45] An Ethiopian Legend: Kaldi discovered Coffee

    [07:16] The Cultivation of Coffee across the Arab world

    [09:50] Coffee as a part of Culture

    [11:05] Sufi monasteries in Yemen employed Coffee to concentrate during Prayers

    [12:58] The rise of Coffee houses & why was Coffee banned

    [14:08] Tea - British Empire brought Tea to the Indian subcontinent

    [17:35] The British Empire & Coffee vs Tea

    [21:02] The Lost Cultural significance & rituals around Coffee

    [23:28] Neurobiology & the effects of Coffee on the Brain

    [25:59] Medical uses of Caffeine

    [30:40] The optimum time to drink Coffee

    [34:54] Caffeine 'crash' & Neurochemistry

    [36:42] Dr Hammad's Journey to Coffee

    [40:34] Good Coffee SHOULD NOT be bitter

    [41:50] What makes a good Coffee - how to make the prefect brew!

    [44:53] Coffee from around the world

    [46:16] Different types of Coffee flavour

    [49:08] Concluding remarks

    ▶️ We are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music & YouTube!

    🎙 The Al Hakam Inspire Podcast is hosted by Dr Hasham Ahmad, Dr Hamaad Muin Ahmad and Romaan Basit.



    📱 Socials: @alhakaminspire

    X: https://X.com/alhakaminspire

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/alhakaminspire

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    50 分
  • Human Rights, Law & Faith Inspiring Journey | Amjad Mahmood Khan | AHI #19

    Joining our podcast is Amjad Mahmood Khan, Partner & Chair at Brown, Neri, Smith & Khan (BNSK) LLP. He is also an Adjunct Professor UCLA Law, and Co-Founder of Global Lawyers for Refugees (GLR) which is an innovative collaboration of lawyers from leading international law firms, and works by Empowering Refugees Through State of the Art Legal Advocacy.

    He is also the National Secretary of Public Affairs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, and has provided a written testimony on the subject of “Discrimination and Persecution Against Muslims Worldwide.”

    We discuss his faith inspiring journey and relationship with His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the current and fifth leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, officially known as the Fifth Caliph of the Messiah.

    We also discuss Pakistan's Blasphemy Laws, Persecution of Ahmadi Muslims, and the Israel-Palestine conflict through the lens of Human Rights and International Law.

    [00:00] Welcome

    [00:45] Introduction

    [01:35] How does Islam guide you as a Lawyer?

    [06:39] Faith inspiring Journey & Relationship with His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the the Fifth Caliph of the Messiah

    [39:44] Pakistan's Blasphemy Laws & Persecution of Ahmadi Muslims

    [53:53] Experiences with His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, during his historical visit to Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. in 2012, and in relation to Fathe Azeem Mosque in Zion, Illinois, USA in 2022

    [1:05:38] Israel-Palestine conflict through the lens of Human Rights and International Law

    [1:23:42] Concluding remarks

    ▶️ We are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music & YouTube!

    🎙 The Al Hakam Inspire Podcast is hosted by Ataul Fatir Tahir, Dr Hasham Ahmad, Dr Hamaad Muin Ahmad and Romaan Basit.



    📱 Socials: @alhakaminspire

    X: https://X.com/alhakaminspire

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/alhakaminspire

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    1 時間 25 分
  • Do Islam & Science go hand in hand | Dr Sohail Husain | AHI #18

    Joining our podcast is Professor Sohail Husain, Professor of Pediatrics and Chief of the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology at Stanford University in California, USA.

    He is a physician-scientist whose lab focuses on determining areas related to the Pancreas. Professor Husain has authored over 100 scientific papers, 12 book chapters, and has filed several patents related to pancreatic disorders. He serves as Past Chair of the North American Pediatric GI Society’s Pancreas Committee and Research Committee, and a Councilor of the American Pancreatic Association (APA).

    Professor Husain also serves as President of the Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists USA. His most recent research paper, published in 'Science Translational Medicine', reveals a novel, unexpected discovery that might compel you to eat your carrots more often! It has been widely picked up by various news outlets.

    We discuss if Islam & Science go hand in hand in the 21st Century, and what value religion has to offer for scientific research. We also explore his latest research discovery regarding Vitamin A.

    [00:00] Welcome

    [00:03] Introduction

    [01:03] Do Islam & Science go hand in hand?

    [03:09] Accepting the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community: Personal journey through Science & Religion

    [07:21] Professor Clement Wragge’s first meeting with the Promised Messiah

    [08:10] The Holy Quran encourages you to 'ponder' and 'reflect'

    [09:59] Science needs purpose. The Holy Quran gives us purpose

    [10:33] The Holy Quran eludes to scientific discoveries

    [11:01] Surah An-Nahl: Milk which is Pure and a total nutriment

    [14:13] How important is it for Muslim Scientists to research & study the Holy Quran?

    [18:07] What is the Pancreas?

    [20:29] Problems with the Pancreas - Pancreatitis

    [21:50] Understanding Diabetes & Prevention Habits for the Youth

    [26:54] New Discovery: Vitamin A may reduce Pancreatitis

    [33:48] Eat More Carrots... or Liver

    [34:42] Concluding remarks

    [35:20] Parting thoughts - "Purpose, Clarity & Data"

    Links related to the discussion:

    Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists USA (AAMS USA)


    Professor Clement Wragge’s first meeting with the Promised Messiah


    A systems approach points to a therapeutic role for retinoids in asparaginase-associated pancreatitis


    Vitamin A may reduce pancreatitis risk during ALL treatment


    Dietary Vitamin A Can Reduce the Risk for Chemotherapy-Induced Pancreatitis


    ▶️ We are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music & YouTube!

    🎙 The Al Hakam Inspire Podcast is hosted by Ataul Fatir Tahir, Dr Hasham Ahmad, Dr Hamaad Muin Ahmad and Roman Basit.



    📱 Socials: @alhakaminspire

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/alhakaminspire

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/alhakaminspire

    ***Disclaimer: Al Hakam Inspire does not advise the implementation of any specific conclusions and assumes no liability for the application of the information discussed. Al Hakam does not necessarily endorse the content & ideas discussed on the Al Hakam Inspire Podcast.

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    39 分
  • Genomics & Precision Health | Dr Naveed Aziz | AHI #17

    Our guest today is Dr Naveed Aziz who is a Genomics research scientist & serves as the Chief Executive Officer of CGEn, Canada’s national platform for genome sequencing & analysis. Dr Naveed’s leadership has enabled CGEn to fuel research and innovation, playing a key role in the advancement of technological developments within the field of genomics.

    He is passionate about the development of powerful and efficient solutions enabling high-speed data exchange at national and international scale. His previous roles include serving as the Director of Technology programs at Genome Canada, Head of Genomics at University of York, UK and as a Research Fellow at the Noble Research Institute, USA.

    In addition to being awarded the Canadian Association of Research Administrators (CARA) 2022

    Research Partnership Award, Dr. Aziz was also named one of Canada’s Emerging Executive

    Leaders by adMare Academy Executive Institute in 2018 and included in the list of Canada’s

    Top 20 Dynamic CEOs by The CEO Publication in 2021.

    He has also recently presented a TEDx talk on Convergence of Divergence: The Mysteries of the Human Genome, and we will leave a link for this in the description below.

    [00:00] Welcome

    [00:05] Introduction

    [01:22] How has Religion & relationship with Allah motivated to pursue your field?

    [05:41] What is Genomics & Precision Health Research?

    [07:10] DNA & The Human Genome Project

    [12:12] Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) play a significant role in Human Genomics?

    [15:36] Understanding Genetics & translation of DNA

    [18:28] The Mystery of the Human Genome's Dark Matter

    [19:48] Treating Genetic Diseases

    [22:45] Advice to Muslim Researchers & encouraging the next generation

    [26:18] Concluding remarks

    Links related to the discussion:

    Convergence of Divergence: The Mysteries of the Human Genome | Dr. Naveed Aziz | TEDxCanadoreCollege



    ▶️ We are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music & YouTube!

    🎙 The Al Hakam Inspire Podcast is hosted by Ataul Fatir Tahir and Dr Hasham Ahmad.



    📱 Socials: @alhakaminspire

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/alhakaminspire

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/alhakaminspire

    ***Disclaimer: Al Hakam Inspire does not advise the implementation of any specific conclusions and assumes no liability for the application of the information discussed. Al Hakam does not necessarily endorse the content & ideas discussed on the Al Hakam Inspire Podcast.

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    27 分
  • The Mind, Mental Health & Religion | Dr Shakeel Ahmad | AHI #16

    Our guest today is Dr Shakeel Ahmad, a Consultant Psychiatrist, who has over 20 years of working in different sub-specialties of adult psychiatry.

    During this time, he has also served in senior operational roles including Clinical Director for General Adult Psychiatry in Surrey, UK and as Chair of London Division, Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK. Dr Shakeel Ahmad has also been one of the contributors to WHO Guide on Mental Health to Primary Care, UK. He had an early interest in philosophy and development of human mind; as an undergraduate he co-founded an organisation to promote creative thinking amongst the youth through self-discipline.

    He has also been involved with research projects on the Holy Quran, within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and is a regular contributor to the Voice of Islam UK radio.

    We discuss the development of the Human Mind, Cognition and Thought. We explore Mental Health including Anxiety & Depression, and what we can learn from Islam regarding the Mental & Spiritual progression of our minds.

    [00:00] Welcome

    [01:43] The Development of the Human Mind

    [03:59] Evolution of Consciousness

    [04:33] The Frontal Lobe of the Brain

    [06:52] How Intoxicants affect the Brain

    [08:55] What is Cognition?

    [10:14] Spirituality & Spiritual experiences

    [11:50] Navigating Self-discipline & Spirituality

    [15:03] Self-determination of Human Psychology

    [17:45] How does Religion affect Society?

    [21:08] Scientific Studies show Religion improves Mental Health!

    [25:53] Mental Health & Belonging to an organised Religion

    [28:20] Mental Health Disorders

    [30:41] Why are Mental Health issues increasing?

    [33:35] Peoples' rights to healthcare have been impacted!

    [34:34] The Holy Quran & Mental Health

    [35:46] Holy Quran: Absolute Justice, Kindness & Kinship

    [38:15] Society, Support & Absolute Justice

    [39:18] The Holy Quran & Guidance for Mental Health

    [41:10] Confession to God & 'Catharsis'

    [42:57] Going through Pain makes you Stronger

    [44:25] Concluding remarks

    ▶️ We are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music & YouTube!

    🎙 The Al Hakam Inspire Podcast is hosted by Ataul Fatir Tahir and Dr Hasham Ahmad.



    📱 Socials: @alhakaminspire

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/alhakaminspire

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/alhakaminspire

    ***Disclaimer: Al Hakam Inspire does not advise the implementation of any specific conclusions and assumes no liability for the application of the information discussed. Al Hakam does not necessarily endorse the content & ideas discussed on the Al Hakam Inspire Podcast.

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    46 分
  • Christian Academic's View of Muhammad (SA) | Dr Craig Considine | AHI #15

    Our Guest is Dr Craig Considine, an award-winning professor and the best–selling author of The Humanity of Muhammad – A Christian View (Published in 2020). He is a recognised scholar of Islam who has gone in depth to research the Seerah, the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SA). Dr Considine is recognised as an authority in interfaith dialogue, particularly Christian and Muslim relations. He has written several books for the field of Islamic studies, including People of the Book – Prophet Muhammad’s Encounter with Christians (Hurst & Oxford 2021).

    Dr Considine is a faculty member of the Department of Sociology at Rice University. holds a PhD in sociology from Trinity College Dublin.

    Dr Considine’s opinions appear regularly in leading news & media outlets around the world. He is a practising Roman Catholic and is recognised as an authority in interfaith dialogue, particularly Christian-Muslim relations.

    #Religion #Christian #Islam #Podcast

    [00:00] Welcome

    [01:57] 9/11 & Dr Considine's Journey to Studying Islam

    [05:21] Why Dr Considine loves Prophet Muhammad

    [07:06] Prophet Muhammad's treatment of Christians

    [10:46] Prophet Muhammad as a State Leader

    [12:55] The Revolution of the Constitution of Medina

    [14:18] How important is Interfaith in today’s world?

    [17:45] Meeting His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

    [22:09] Dealing with negativity on social media

    [25:20] Dr Considine’s work - find out more!

    Links related to the discussion:


    Twitter: @CraigCons

    Instagram: @drcraigconsidine

    Meeting His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, in Zion, Illinois:


    ▶️ We are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music & YouTube!

    🎙 The Al Hakam Inspire Podcast is hosted by Ataul Fatir Tahir and Dr Hasham Ahmad.



    📱 Socials: @alhakaminspire

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/alhakaminspire

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/alhakaminspire

    ***Disclaimer: Al Hakam Inspire does not advise the implementation of any specific conclusions and assumes no liability for the application of the information discussed. Al Hakam does not necessarily endorse the content & ideas discussed on the Al Hakam Inspire Podcast.

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    29 分
  • Embryology in the Holy Quran | Dr Hasham Ahmad | AHI Podcast #14

    Join Dr Hasham Ahmad, a Medical Doctor and Researcher, exploring an introduction into the process of Embryology as described in the Holy Quran.

    The Holy Quran is a book of wisdom and was revealed in the 7th Century A.D. to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), with the commencement of the revelations during the blessed month of Ramadan. The Holy Quran is well known to contain knowledge and guidance pertaining to various specialities of life, both spiritual and of worldly nature. Embryology is the branch of science which studies the principles of pre-natal development of the gametes (sex cells), embryo and foetus. The degree of scientific accuracy within the Holy Quran, in relation to the topic of embryology, is explored and presented.

    #embryology #Quran #Science #Podcast

    [00:00] Welcome

    [01:07] Introduction

    [02:34] The Revelation of the Holy Quran

    [03:32] What is Embryology?

    [04:21] Summary of Embryology in the Holy Quran

    [05:43] Verses of the Holy Quran about Embryology

    [08:48] What process is being described?

    [09:20] Mingled sperm-drop / “Nutfatin Amshaj”

    [10:26] Fertilisation & Implantation / “Qararin Makeen”

    [12:47] Clot & 'Fashioning' of the Clot / "Alaqa"

    [15:22] Shapeless lump or 'chewed-like lump'/ "Mudgha"

    [15:55] Bones, fashioning & muscle / "Izam" & "Lahm"

    [18:11] Period of development

    [19:33] Concluding remarks

    [20:10] Scientific observation of Embryology

    [20:31] Spiritual development

    [21:20] The Miracle of the Holy Quran

    [22:54] Subscribe to the Podcast

    Links related to the discussion:

    Verses related to Embryology


    Check out the Rational Religion article: 9 SCIENTIFIC MIRACLES OF THE QURAN


    Embryology in the Qur'an lecture by Dr. Keith L. Moore (University of Illinois, 1990)


    ▶️ We are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music & YouTube!

    🎙 The Al Hakam Inspire Podcast is hosted by Ataul Fatir Tahir and Dr Hasham Ahmad.



    📱 Socials: @alhakaminspire

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/alhakaminspire

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/alhakaminspire

    ***Disclaimer: Al Hakam Inspire does not advise the implementation of any specific conclusions and assumes no liability for the application of the information discussed. Al Hakam does not necessarily endorse the content & ideas discussed on the Al Hakam Inspire Podcast.

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    24 分