Whether you like Christmas music or not, once Thanksgiving has come and gone, it is inescapable. Stores, restaurants, anywhere you go. You know the songs and you can sing along. They are filled with popular ideas about Christmas, from holiday romance, to passionate desire, to how the dark nights and cold weather brings us together with friends and loved ones. But while these songs help some feel the Christmas spirit, they can also feel a little trite or a little hollow, like they’re missing something.
Week 2 of Christmas Karaoke
Teacher: Megan Miller
Join Damascus Road for Christmas Karaoke to enjoy some Christmas music and reflect on the real spirit of the season. Let’s go beyond the songs we sing to get to the meaning of Christmas. You made your list, you checked it twice, and made sure it had every gift you wanted for Christmas. Maybe you have a long list. Maybe you have a short list, and all you want for Christmas is just the one thing that will make everything right. Christmas can easily become a season of asking for and wanting more and more, but this can easily distract us and turn us inward throughout the holiday season. It is a season not of want, but of need and our deep need for a savior who arrives as a baby born in a manger. Let us reconsider what we really want for Christmas.