
  • Psychological Immunity and How to Measure it
    We all know the importance of physical immunity. This is our ability to resist disease, ward off pathogens, endure the dualities of heat and cold and seasonal changes, have physical strength and stamina, slow down the aging process and heal our bodies from within relative to injuries or chronic diseases. It is indicated by positive […]
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    10 分
  • Inner Self-Awareness and the Mind-Body Connection
    Whatever you bring into your mind, you also bring into your physical body. What your mind does, affects both your psychology and your physiology. If the mind becomes afraid, for example, the body contracts in fear which affects our internal organs. If the mind becomes angry, the body also seethes with anger, overheating our organic […]
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    11 分
  • Consciousness, the Ultimate Power of Knowing and Healing
    Modern physics is searching for a unitary field of consciousness to explain the coherence of the laws of nature. Such a universal consciousness is proposed as existing behind all time, space and energy. It is the ultimate frontier of knowledge. Vedic teachings have long taught us how to discover such a unitary field of consciousness […]
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    12 分
  • Beyond all Addictions through Yoga and Vedantic Practices
      Addictive Nature of the Mind   There is a simple way to overcome all addictions, but not easy. It is to learn how to calm and control the mind. All addictions are compulsive patterns of the mind that we fall into when we fail to be fully Self-aware.   The difficulty is that deep […]
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    12 分
  • What is Ayurvedic Healing ? – Video
    An introduction to our Ayurvedic Healing approach, as in Dr. Frawley's classic book Ayurvedic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide and our on-line Ayurvedic Healing course. Ayurveda is India's traditional natural healing system that arose out of Yoga and the Vedic sciences in ancient times and has been continually updated throughout the ages, including taking new forms and expressions for the planetary age.
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  • Audio: What is Soma and its Botanical Implications in Yoga and Ayurveda?
    Soma is an ancient Vedic deity opposite Agni or fire in its nature. Soma refers to water and the receptive principle on all levels, including the cosmic ocean of space and bliss. Agni indicates fire and light at a cosmic level, including the illuminating principle on all levels to the highest transcendent awareness. As Agni […]
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    20 分
  • The Ayurvedic View of the Human Body – Audio by Dr. David Frawley
    Ayurveda views the human  body in terms of consciousness, intelligence, information and energy as held in a physical field of organs, tissues and channels. As such the body is not simply physical but is merely a physical point focus for forces that extend to the entire universe. Though the physical body itself is mortal, it […]
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    15 分
  • Yoga and Ayurveda View of the Mind: Audio
    Yoga and Ayurveda View of the Mind Audio In modern medicine brain, mind and consciousness are equated, with the mind regarded as only a function of the brain, and consciousness merely a function of the mind.  Mind and consciousness are reduced to brain chemistry, as if there were no real intelligence or real person there. […]
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    16 分