Why do Jews eat kosher food? Why do Jews keep shabbat? Why do Jewish women dress modestly? Yes, the Torah says to keep the above mitzvot (commandments), but WHY?
The answers to those questions on Jewish Law (Halakha), and many more can be found in the Talmud.
What is the Talmud? What is Halakha? And why is it relevant for women (and girls) to learn these holy teachings? Most importantly, how does learning Talmud help us on a practical, daily basis?
Rabbanit Chamutal Shoval, Director of the Susi Bradfield Women's Institute of Halakhic Leadership, sheds light of the importance of Talmud and Halakha study for women.
The Talmud is:
--a record of rabbinic debates about the Torah that took place between the 2nd and 5th centuries
--includes a codification of laws called the Mishnah, and a commentary on the Mishnah called the Gemara
--contains rules for social and family life, such as marriage, taxes, and criminal law
--helps to explain how the Torah applies to modern situations
--an essential source of halakha, or Jewish religious law
Simply put, the Talmud contains rabbinic commentaries, and explanation of traditions and laws that were given to us through the Torah’s infinite wisdom.
Halakha, also known as Jewish law, is a set of rules and practices that guide Jewish life. It covers religious observances, daily life, and personal/professional conduct.
In this eye opening conversation, Rabbanit Chamutal explains to us how women can elevate themselves and grow spiritually and personally though learning the Talmud. We see, through the rabbi's discussions, how they struggled with the same types of issues and challenges with which we struggle. And the struggle is real!
Learning the Talmud helps us understand how to respectfully listen to other people's points of view and opinions that might be different through ours. It teaches us how to interact with and communicate with people who are different from ourselves. The Talmud also gives us insights and perspectives into why Jews do what we do--shabbat, kashrut, laws of how to conduct business, interactions between men and women, and explains, in depth, a multitude of other Jewish commandments. It really helps us understand WHY we do what we do on a daily basis. As women (and girls) learn the Talmud, it begins to affect our self-conduct on a daily basis, as we connect with and understand more deeply, the teachings of the Torah.
Torah is not a subject like biology, math, history, or language arts. The point in learning Torah, including Talmud and Halakha, is for the teachings to enter your heart, change you as a person, on a spiritual level, and help you to become more elevated.
Rabbanit Chamutal is available to answer women's questions on Torah and Jewish law. To be connected to her, please email Vera Kessler, host of the America's Top Rebbetzins podcast at atrebbetzins@gmail.com